The Consell de Mallorca will reinforce control and surveillance to prevent illegal dumping of construction site waste

Jun 5, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The impulse of the fight against unfair competition and illegal dumping will be done with the collaboration of the Government, the municipalities of the island and the Nature Protection Service of the Civil Guard.

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Control and surveillance to prevent illegal dumping of construction site waste

The Consell de Mallorca will increase control and surveillance measures to fight against the proliferation of illegal dumping of construction waste and to ensure that all companies in the sector comply with the regulations and standards established for the management of construction waste. The insular institution is the holder of the public service for the management of construction and demolition waste through the concessionary company Mac Insular.

The impulse of the fight against illegal dumping will be carried out in collaboration with other institutions such as the Govern de les Illes Balears, the town councils of the island and also with the Servicio de Protección de la Naturaleza de la Guardia Civil (SEPRONA). Precisely, the Consell de Mallorca wants to congratulate the task of SEPRONA, which a few days ago located and inspected seven rustic plots for dumping of construction waste. One of these was thanks to the transfer of a file to SEPRONA by the insular institution.

Faced with these facts, the Consell de Mallorca is aware of the seriousness of the problem that, according to the Guardia Civil, is increasing. In this sense, the president of the insular institution, Llorenç Galmés, reiterates that “these uncivic practices not only distort the market, but also represent a threat to the environment and public health”. Galmés also states that “they constitute a case of unfair competition, because they have a negative impact on the rates paid by other citizens and companies that do comply with the law”.

For his part, the second vice-president and councilor of Environment, Rural Environment and Sports, Pedro Bestard, has assured that “we will continue fighting, with all the options within our reach, to avoid illegal discharges. Our commitment to the defense of the environment and legality is unquestionable and we will not allow what a few unconscious people do wrong to affect the rest of Mallorcans”.