Spain and the United States reinforce their scientific cooperation at NASA’s tracking station in Madrid

Jun 13, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, stressed that the agreement is yet another example of the ‘excellent relationship’ between Spain and the United States.

The Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, and the Minister of Defence, Margarita RoblesThe Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, and the Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, with other attendees at the signing of the agreement.

Spain and the United States have signed the renewal of the Scientific Cooperation Agreement that allows NASA to use the Robledo de Chavela Tracking Station for another 15 years. With this new version, aspects of the Station’s practical operation are improved and the Spanish Space Agency is incorporated.

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Spain and the United States reinforce their scientific cooperation

The document, which embodies decades of collaboration between the two countries, was signed by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs, Diego Martínez Belío, and the US Ambassador to Spain, Julissa Reynoso.

The ceremony, held at the Deep Space Communications Complex (DSCC) Visitor Centre in Robledo de Chavela, included an opening speech by the Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, who was accompanied by the Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Diana Morant, and the senior representative of NASA, Kenneth D. Bowersox.

Minister Robles stressed that this agreement is yet another manifestation of the ‘magnificent relationship’ that exists between Spain and the United States, as well as proof of the importance ‘that our government attaches to space’.

“Spain will be firmly committed to this agreement. You can count on us and on the Ministry of Defence”, added Robles, who also highlighted the great work carried out by the National Institute for Aerospace Techniques (INTA), which is fundamental in the close collaboration with NASA for the operation and maintenance of the station’s facilities.

60th anniversary
October will mark the 60th anniversary of the first scientific cooperation agreement between Spain and the United States to provide NASA with certain land and rights of way in the municipalities of Robledo de Chavela and Las Navas del Rey, in Madrid.

Spain and the United States have today demonstrated their mutual trust and their willingness to continue working together in such important areas as science and space research.

The Robledo de Chavela station is part of a worldwide network of three equidistant NASA stations known as the Deep Space Network (DSN), together with those in California and Canberra (Australia), and is of great importance for space exploration.

The collaboration of the Ministry of Defence, through INTA, has been highlighted on numerous occasions by senior NASA managers, such as the award granted in 2020 for the exceptional performance of the station during the Covid-19 pandemic, or the recognition for the special support to the Artemis I mission in 2023.