Employment in the audiovisual sector has increased by more than 93% in three years with a notable growth in productions made in Spain

Jun 17, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry for Digital Transformation and the Civil Service, through the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures, has taken stock of the main data reflected in its Audiovisual Sector Report 2023.

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Employment in the audiovisual sector has increased by more than 93% in three years with a notable growth

According to this study, audiovisual production is establishing itself in Spain as an industrial sector through significant growth in both employment and the level of income for Social Security derived from international filming carried out in our territory.

Among the most outstanding data is the generation of employment in audiovisual activities, which has increased by more than 93% in three years. Specifically, in film, video and television programme work in Spain has gone from having 32,000 people working in 2020 to more than 62,000 professionals in the fourth quarter of 2023. Figures to which both the increase in national production and the notable increase in the attraction of international film shoots in our country contribute.

This attraction of film shoots, under a transversal strategy in which initiatives have been coordinated with measures from up to thirteen ministries, is making Spain one of the main recipients of investment in the production of original content in Europe, coming close to the countries that traditionally lead this investment, such as France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

In film productions alone, the report notes that Spain has experienced a 37% growth in the last year, rising from 273 productions in 2022 to over 375 in 2023.

In the case of foreign productions made in Spain, this investment has translated into 10,000 work contracts worth 55.5 million euros, of which 12 million euros correspond to personal income tax, and has meant an income of almost 22 million euros for Social Security. The video games sector is another sector that is experiencing continued growth, with an increase in turnover of 16.3% in 2023, bringing the total figure to 2,339 million euros, and an increase in the number of development studios, from 432 to 524, according to data from the Spanish Video Games Association (AEVI) contained in the Audiovisual Sector Report 2023.