Health recalls the importance of sun protection and early detection to combat skin cancer

Jun 17, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

123 cases of skin cancer were diagnosed in the Balearic Islands last year, according to data from the Observatory of the Spanish Association Against Cancer in the Islands.

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Health recalls the importance of sun protection

In recent decades, the incidence of cutaneous melanoma on a national level has been on the rise. The annual age-specific rate per 100,000 people has increased in both men and women. In the Balearic Islands, 123 cases of skin cancer were diagnosed last year, according to data from the Observatory of the Spanish Association Against Cancer in the Islands, which confirms the increase in the incidence of melanoma in recent years.

Ninety per cent of sporadic melanoma cases are due to sun exposure and only 10 per cent to genetic factors, which is why adequate protection from the sun can significantly reduce the chances of contracting this type of cancer.

Preventive measures for sun exposure

Public Health once again reminds us that in order to reduce the risk of developing cutaneous melanoma, sunburn and excessive exposure to the sun should be avoided, especially in children and in the middle of the day. In addition to protecting the body with appropriate clothing and sunglasses, sunscreens should be used and tanning booths should not be used. The most important recommendations are as follows:

-Sunbathe gradually and ALWAYS avoid the hours of maximum intensity, from 12:00 to 16:00.
Use wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses and a parasol.
-Use a sunscreen with a high protection factor against A and B radiation, depending on the type of skin. Apply to very dry skin all over the body. Reapply periodically after bathing or if you sweat a lot.
-Drink plenty of water.
-Avoid sunbathing if taking photosensitive medication.
-Stay preferably in shaded areas when doing outdoor activities.

When to consult a doctor

Consult a health professional if a new lesion appears on the skin that does not heal or if there are changes in the appearance of a freckle (in shape, colour, size, borders, etc.).