Booking removes 56 advertisements for illegal tourist rentals detected by the Consell d’Eivissa

Jun 19, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

In the last month Booking has withdrawn 21 advertisements in addition to the 35 on the first list that the Department of Tourist Planning sent to the booking platform.

The tourist booking portal continues to collaborate with the Eivissa Council’s Department of Tourist Planning and the Fight against Intrusion and, in two months, has already withdrawn 56 illegal tourist rental advertisements in Eivissa that were on its website and which were detected by the Council’s inspectors.

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Booking removes 56 advertisements for illegal tourist rentals

In May, with a first list that was sent to those responsible for this booking platform, Booking, at the request of the Council, withdrew 35 advertisements for properties that were being illegally rented out for tourism. Now, in over a month, the platform has withdrawn a further 21 ads, bringing the total to 56.

With this withdrawal, Booking complies with the agreement signed with the Consell de Ibiza that allows the inspectors of the island’s institution to notify the platform of illegal tourist rental ads on the island that are found on its website so that they can be removed.

Most of the ads removed belonged to the rental of multi-family dwellings, so the platform is notified that under the fifth Transitional Provision of Law 6/2017, which amends Law 8/2012, and the island’s legal situation in Eivissa, the commercialisation of tourist stays in multi-family buildings is not allowed. Other advertisements correspond to residences that do not have the Responsible declaration of the Start of the Tourist Activity, and without being registered in the Insular Register of Companies, Activities and Tourist Establishments, considered a serious offence according to article 119, section 9 of Law 8/2012 of the Balearic Tourism Law.

The councillor of the Department of Tourism Management and the Fight against Intrusion, Mariano Juan, has expressed his gratitude to Booking. com for their collaboration and assured that from the Consell de Eivissa “we will continue in the line of work that we have set ourselves to combat intrusiveness: forcefulness and exemplarity, both in the processing of cases, and in the collection of fines (until last May the Treasury services of the Consell have collected more than 153,000 euros in fines for tourism infractions), and in the removal of illegal advertisements. It all adds up to something for the offenders”.