The Consell Insular de Menorca reclassifies firefighter positions from C2 to C1

Jun 19, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

It meets the demands of the group and adapts to the regulations.

The Consell Insular de Menorca (Island Council of Menorca) has approved in its last Executive Council the reclassification of firefighter positions and their upgrading. This measure is taken by article 68.4 of the Law of 27 March of the Civil Service of the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands, by which the firefighter positions, from the C2 subgroup, are now considered to be of the C1 subgroup.

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The Consell Insular de Menorca reclassifies firefighter positions from C2 to C1

The law gave five years for the adaptation to the regulation, from the date of its effectiveness, which was the day after its publication (BOIB no. 48, 13 April 2019), which is why it is necessary to modify the Catalogue in this sense. The same regulation establishes that civil servants in the basic operational scale will be integrated into subgroup C1, once they have accredited their training and passed the selective process that is determined.

“This reclassification should have been done in 2019, but the previous island government did nothing to process it. We believe that the firefighters of the Consell Insular do an essential job, and for this reason we immediately got to work on this issue. Now, finally, the bases for reclassification have been approved,” explains Simón Gornés, Menorca’s councillor for the Environment, Biosphere Reserve and Cooperation.

Environment, Biosphere Reserve and Cooperation of Menorca, Simón Gornés.

By the regulations, applicants must be career civil servants and occupy a firefighter post/position belonging to the Fire Prevention and Extinction Service of the Consell Insular de Menorca, and meet the conditions indicated to be able to carry out their duties on the date of the deadline for submitting applications.

“In the case of firefighters who are not career civil servants and are interim civil servants, the CIM is working on a specific path for this group so that they can also move up to C1,” adds Gornés.

This competitive examination consists of a single theoretical test of the general and special syllabus. The test consists of answering in writing, during 100 minutes, a questionnaire of seventy questions with four alternative answers, referring to the content of the general and specific syllabus of each of the positions called.

The questionnaire will have the following distribution of questions: one-fifth will correspond to the general syllabus and the rest to the specific syllabus.

Regarding the communiqué from the trade unions on the suspension of the measures planned for the Sant Joan festivities, the Department of the Environment, Biosphere Reserve and Cooperation thanks the firefighters’ collective for this act of responsibility. “The government team has held up to three meetings this past week with the group, to gather their demands and concerns about different aspects affecting the reclassification process, the number of firefighters in service and other concerns, such as equipment, and is committed to maintaining the necessary meetings to continue working,” says Gornés.

Thus, he will set up a working group with the collective, in which improvements to the service will be put on the table with the ultimate goal of having an optimal and adequate firefighting service.