Prohens announces the European Commission’s decision to declare the Balearic Islands an Innovation Valley

Jun 20, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The President of the Government appeared at her request in the Parliament of the Balearic Islands to explain the dynamics of the work to achieve the Social and Political Pact for the Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability of the Balearic Islands.

Prohens appealed to everyone’s responsibility and open-mindedness to have a constructive debate.

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The European Commission’s decision to declare the Balearic Islands an Innovation Valley

The President of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Marga Prohens, announced this Thursday the European Commission’s decision to declare the Balearic Islands an Innovation Valley. Prohens did so during her appearance, at her request, in the Parliament of the Balearic Islands, to explain the dynamics of the work to achieve the Social and Political Pact for the Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability of the Balearic Islands.

During her speech, Prohens recalled that the declaration of the Balearic Islands as Innovation Valley was one of the commitments of the government programme, on which the Vice-Presidency and Ministry of Economy, Finance and Innovation of the Government has been working since last September. “An innovation hub specialising precisely in circularity and economic sustainability, and where we want to take advantage of this ecosystem to promote investment in innovative projects and interregional collaboration. This is an essential first step towards reindustrialisation through innovation and the modernisation of our tourism sector as a whole, a perfect opportunity that must be seized to transform the model of the Balearic Islands,” said Prohens.

The President explained how the lines of work of this round table will be developed to reach the Social and Political Pact for the Sustainability of the Balearic Islands. “A space for dialogue to face together the unpostponable challenge of transforming our economic model, based on the shared conviction that courageous measures and a change of direction are needed, aware that the current rate of growth is not only unsustainable but that this growth is no longer translating into well-being for the citizens of the Balearic Islands,” she said.

During her speech, Prohens recalled that the declaration of the Balearic Islands as Innovation Valley was one of the commitments of the government programme, on which the Vice-Presidency and Ministry of Economy, Finance and Innovation of the Government has been working since last September. “An innovation hub specialising precisely in circularity and economic sustainability, and where we want to take advantage of this ecosystem to promote investment in innovative projects and interregional collaboration. This is an essential first step towards reindustrialisation through innovation and the modernisation of our tourism sector as a whole, a perfect opportunity that must be seized to transform the model of the Balearic Islands,” said Prohens.

The President explained how the lines of work of this round table will be developed in order to reach the Social and Political Pact for the Sustainability of the Balearic Islands. “A space for dialogue to face together the unpostponable challenge of transforming our economic model, based on the shared conviction that courageous measures and a change of direction are needed, aware that the current rate of growth is not only unsustainable but that this growth is no longer translating into well-being for the citizens of the Balearic Islands,” she said.

Prohens reviewed the working dynamics of the roundtable, which will be developed on three levels. The first consists of a web platform for participation open to all citizens; the second level consists of face-to-face working groups, which are divided into 12 groups, and the third level, the committee of experts, will be responsible for validating and discerning the proposals. “This is a process that, due to its importance, we do not want to set a timetable and deadlines, but the will of this Government is that it should be a matter of months”, she explained.

The President of the Government stated that “tourism has been, is and will undoubtedly continue to be for many years the main source of wealth generation, of income to sustain our welfare state and public services, of opportunities, as well as the main social lift of the last six decades in the Balearic Islands. All of this is not incompatible with the need for management, limits and containment, and with the need to transform our economic model.

To conclude her speech, Prohens called on everyone to be responsible and to be open-minded in order to have a constructive debate. “We will only achieve this through seriousness, rigour and commitment to the sustainability of the Balearic Islands,” she said.