The Volunteering Forum is consolidated as a body for the coordination and promotion of volunteering on the Balearic Islands

Jun 20, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The councillor for Families and Social Affairs presided over the first meeting of this body since 2022

The councillor of Families and Social Affairs, Catalina Cirer, today chaired the meeting of the Balearic Islands Volunteer Forum, which had not met since 2022.

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The Volunteering Forum

At this meeting, the work proposal for 2024-2025 was presented, which includes a boost in training, information, advice and awareness-raising. In addition, it was agreed to promote volunteering as a result of data from the report presented by the Balearic Islands Volunteering Platform (PLAVIB), which states that 17% of people do not volunteer due to lack of knowledge, while the percentage rises to 50.3% among young people aged 14 to 24.

During the meeting, the PLAVIB’s proposal to urge the University of the Balearic Islands to modify the regulations governing academic recognition credits for participation in university cultural, sporting, student representation, solidarity and cooperation activities was accepted. The aim of this modification is to include as an option for credit recognition the participation of students in volunteer programmes within the entities of the Census of Volunteer Entities of the Balearic Islands within the new regulatory framework, bringing the regulations into line with other universities in the Balearic Islands that already have this recognition.