Social Security enrolment grows by more than 308,000 people in 2024 and consolidates the 21 million enrolment rate

Jun 21, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Average enrolment exceeds 21.3 million, following the increase of almost 567,000 since the beginning of 2024, and reaches record highs. The dynamism of employment among women and young people in the first part of the year stands out.

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Social Security enrolment grows by more than 308,000 people in 2024

Social Security has registered almost 309,000 registered members in seasonally adjusted terms in the last six months, reaching a total of more than 21.1 million members in mid-June. This is a rate of growth in line with that of 2023, which was particularly dynamic.

In average terms, the original series, the Social Security registered nearly 567,000 more members, taking the total to over 21.37 million. In both series, record figures were recorded.

The daily series has exceeded 21.4 million affiliates since 10 June, reaching 21,460,595 on the 17th. Thus, in the daily records, there are 727,553 more members than at the end of December 2023.

The Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, indicates that “the start of 2024 has been extraordinary, with record figures. We are going to celebrate 50 consecutive months with increases in seasonally adjusted terms”. And she adds: “The dynamism of employment among women and young people is particularly noteworthy”.

More than 10 million women members
Affiliation is growing especially among women workers. So far in 2024, 56% of the employment created is among women, two percentage points more than in the same period in 2023. As of 17 June, there are a total of 10.13 million employed women. Female affiliates already represent 47.4% of the total in our country.
The employment of young people has increased by 4.8% so far this year, almost double the average for all members. Since before the pandemic, enrolment among the under-30s has grown by 15.4%, a figure much higher than the average (9.7%).
More self-employed in the last 6 months
The number of self-employed workers has reached record highs since the end of 2008, with a total of 3,381,783. Growth in the Special Scheme for the Self-Employed stands at 1.2% so far this year, a much higher rate than in the same period in 2023 (0.7%).
Higher quality
The increase in employment is accompanied by an improvement in its quality. By sector, the activities with high added value stand out, such as Information and Communication; and Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities, which have shown increases of over 4% since the beginning of the year so far (compared with an average of 2.8%) and have more registered workers than the Hotel and Catering sector (81,000 compared with 73,000).

As of 15 June, there are more than 14 million employed people with permanent contracts, of whom more than 9.6 million work full time. This is an increase of 3.65 million workers (3,655,393) with permanent contracts since the approval of the labour reform.
The increase so far in 2024 is 541,750 more permanent workers, or 3.8% if we compare the figure for 15 June 2024 with that for 31 December 2023. The largest increase is among full-time permanent workers, who account for 57% of the total number of permanent workers (50.4% in 2021), compared with 6.5% for permanent and discontinuous workers. Temporary workers account for 12.9%, compared with 27.4% in 2021.