More than 13,000 students and teachers have gone on excursions to the Tramuntana mountain range with the Consell de Mallorca’s free transport service

Jun 22, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The most requested excursions this school year have been Lluc, Orient and Valldemossa

The free transport service to the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range has reached record numbers since the Consell de Mallorca, through the Serra de Tramuntana Consortium, launched this initiative in 2014. This school year, which ends this week, a total of 13,030 students and teachers have benefited, which is 3,000 more than the previous year.

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More than 13,000 students and teachers have gone on excursions to the Tramuntana mountain range

This service is aimed at all public and subsidised schools in Mallorca that want to make an excursion to the Sierra and transmit to students the values that made it possible for it to be declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The activity is part of the Consortium’s dissemination strategy, as direct contact with the territory is the best way to appreciate, love and conserve it. The Serra de Tramuntana island director, Antoni Solivellas, highlights the help this service provides to families with fewer resources: “We know that thanks to our free transportation, many children and youngsters have been able to leave their environment for a day or two and set foot in the Serra de Tramuntana for the first time, and that this has surely left them with a lifelong memory”.

This academic year, 202 excursions have been requested, which has meant that the Serra de Tramuntana Consortium has contracted more than 250 coaches, as the service offers the possibility of making the excursion for an entire educational level of the centre, even if this means more than one class group. In total, 10,775 students and teachers from 191 schools have benefited, of which 108 are CEIP, 37 are state schools, 35 are IES and the rest are CIP, CEIPESO, CEIPEEM, cooperatives, as well as two special education centres and one vocational training centre.

The most popular excursions were Lluc, with 30 visits, Orient with 19 and Valldemossa with 17. Also noteworthy were the visits to Binifaldó, Fonts Ufanes, Cúber-Gorg Blau and Galatzó. The months with the most outings were March and May.

Service Learning Programme
Free transport is also available to the centres participating in the ‘Service Learning in the Serra de Tramuntana’ programme. In addition to the regular excursion, these centres can use the coach to go to Raixa and to spend a night in a refuge belonging to the Consell de Mallorca network. This year, 19 centres have visited the Serra Tramuntana Centre in Raixa and 38 have spent a night in a refuge, most of which have opted for So n’Amer (Escorca).

In total, 2,255 students and teachers of the Learning Services programme have benefited from the free coach, which added to the 10,775 the excursions to the Serra, brings the number of beneficiaries to 13,030, the highest of the 9 courses in which the service has been offered.