The Consell de Mallorca expresses its commitment to the local product and guarantees compliance with the 3% in tourist establishments

Jun 22, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

President Galmés meets with the main associations of the primary sector and announces that this year a total of 1.7 million euros will be earmarked for the promotion of Mallorcan produce.

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The Consell de Mallorca expresses its commitment to the local product

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, held a meeting this Friday with representatives of the island’s main agricultural and livestock sector associations, to whom he conveyed the island institution’s commitment to Mallorca’s local produce.
Galmés, who was accompanied at the meeting by the councillor for Tourism, José Marcial Rodríguez Díaz, the head of Economic Promotion and Local Development, Pilar Amate, and the island directors Clara del Moral (Tourism) and Álvaro Antonio Roca (Economic Promotion), also assured them that the Consell de Mallorca will ensure compliance with the 3% local product requirement in the island’s tourist establishments, as laid down in the Law for Sustainability and Circularity in Tourism in the Balearic Islands (Law 3/2022).
During the meeting, Galmés told the sector that the Consell de Mallorca is committed to complying with these regulations, to support and guarantee the consumption of fresh agricultural, livestock and fishery products originating in the Balearic Islands. All to verify the application of the current regulations and, if non-compliance is detected, to apply the penalties provided for.

During the meeting, Galmés told the sector that the Consell de Mallorca is committed to complying with these regulations, with the aim of supporting and guaranteeing the consumption of fresh agricultural, livestock and fishery products originating in the Balearic Islands. All with the aim of verifying the application of the current regulations and, if non-compliance is detected, to apply the penalties provided for.
And he revealed that an action coordinated with the Directorate General for Food Quality and Local Produce of the Balearic Islands Government had been launched in recent weeks, which has consisted of sending a series of letters to the companies that were already the subject of an information campaign last year so that they could provide the necessary data to check the degree of compliance with the regulations.
Thus, according to the initial results obtained from these communications and without definitive data, the degree of compliance is satisfactory.

1.7 million for the promotion of the Product of Mallorca
On the other hand, the Consell de Mallorca, through the Department of Economic Promotion and Local Product, headed by Pilar Amate, is firmly committed to promoting the Mallorcan product.
This year it will allocate a total of 1.7 million euros in different calls for applications for aid aimed at companies, town councils non-profit organisations and cooperatives that promote and foster local produce.
Three calls for subsidies have already been approved for the dissemination and promotion of local produce. The first is aimed at micro-enterprises, agricultural companies and for-profit entities, for a value of 300,000 euros; the second is aimed at local councils for an amount of 700,000 euros and a third line of aid, for associations, cooperatives and non-profit entities, with a budget of 400,000 euros.

In addition to these three aid packages, totalling 1.4 million euros for projects aimed at promoting local produce, a new call for grants of 300,000 euros will soon be approved for local councils to carry out studies on the marketing of Mallorcan produce.
In this way, the island institution encourages all initiatives aimed at promoting and benefiting our product and Mallorcan producers, through events, fairs, tastings, talks, meetings, campaigns or any other act that helps to promote the Mallorcan product.
On the other hand, the Consell de Mallorca has been working since the beginning of the legislature to carry out the necessary procedures for the creation of the Producto Mallorca brand. The regulations are currently being drawn up as a preliminary step to registering the brand, which will be ready in a few months and which will serve to highlight the value of our local products and at the same time protect both consumers and Mallorcan producers, since this seal of quality will “identify and differentiate” products that are truly Mallorcan, thus guaranteeing their geographical origin.

Xisca Parets (Cooperatives Agroalimentàries), Miquel Coll (APAEMA), Joan Company (ASAJA), Sebastià Ordines (Unió de Pagesos), Joana Mascaró (UPA), and Joan Llabrés, director general of Agri-food Quality and Local Produce, attended the meeting on behalf of the sector.