The 2024 competitive examinations for teachers begin for a total of 252 teaching, secondary, vocational training and official language school vacancies

Jun 23, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

A total of 13 venues on the islands of Mallorca (10), Menorca (1) and Eivissa (2) hosted the start of the competitive examinations for teachers in the Balearic Islands on Saturday 22nd. A total of 252 vacancies have been announced for teachers, secondary school teachers, vocational training and official language schools.

The director general of Teaching Staff and Concerted Centres, Ismael Alonso, was present today at the start of the tests in the Guillem Cifre de Colonya building of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), which went off without a hitch.

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The 2024 competitive examinations for teachers begin

A total of 1,021 candidates had registered for this competition, of which 951 were admitted and 696 handed in their syllabus, meaning that 255 candidates who did not hand in their syllabus by the established deadline have withdrawn from the process.

Unlike last year’s competitive examination, which was held by autonomous community due to the stabilisation process of the previous academic year, this year the Conselleria de Educació i Universitats has held the examinations by islands; thus, there are 121 places for Eivissa and Formentera, 103 for Mallorca and 28 for Menorca.