The Department of Mobility receives the works to improve the Binibèquer and Binissafúller roads

Jun 23, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The work consisted of reinforcing the road surface and renewing the vertical and horizontal signposting.

The Menorca Island Council’s Department of Mobility has today, 21st June, received the works to improve the access roads to Binibèquer and Binissafúller through a collaboration agreement with the Sant Lluís Town Council.

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Improve the Binibèquer and Binissafúller roads

For the Binibèquer access section, the works consisted of the necessary actions to reinforce the road surface, including demolition, earthworks to renovate the ditch areas in eroded land and cleaning up localised areas. A new asphalt surface was laid with 4-centimetre-thick porphyry aggregate, and the new horizontal signposting was repainted.

The contractor was the company Antonio Gomila SA with a budget of 473,000 euros, subsidised by the Secretary of State for Tourism. For its execution, traffic was closed for a week, only during the mornings and giving access to the adjoining properties, to improve the performance of the asphalt works in terms of the time foreseen for the paving layer, thus reducing the effects on the neighbours.

The works on the Binissafúller access section consisted of the necessary actions to reinforce the road surface, first cleaning and marking the ditches to prevent the growth of weeds and make it more difficult for traffic to circulate, thus improving safety. Next, the asphalt agglomerate layer was laid, with a thickness of 5 centimetres, which improved the evenness of the road surface. Finally, vertical and horizontal signposting was carried out.

The contractor who carried out the works was Construcciones Olives SA, with an adjudicated budget of 387,857.44 euros. For its execution, traffic was closed for two weeks, leaving it open to the owners of the adjoining properties and not coinciding with the week that the access road to Binibèquer was closed. This allowed the asphalt work to improve the performance in terms of the time foreseen for the paving layer, also reducing the impact on the neighbours.

for the paving layer, also reducing the impact on neighbours.

“There have been very important interventions in the southern area of the municipality of Sant Lluís. Apart from what we have received today, we have also improved the s’Ullestrar road and the improvements in Ses Barraques will soon be completed. The Department of Mobility of the Consell de Mallorca believes that these actions are very necessary, as they are very busy roads with a high number of tourists. Furthermore, we would like to stress that all these works have been awarded at the right time to have them finished just before the summer season”, said the Councillor for Mobility, Juan Manuel Delgado.