All set for the neighbourhood festivities in Inca

Jun 24, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

From the 28th to the 30th of June, the Cristo Rey festivities will be held, marking the start of the calendar of celebrations in the different neighbourhoods of the capital of El Raiguer.

Once again this year, the Inca Town Hall is organising a full programme of neighbourhood festivities with celebrations and activities in the different areas of the municipality. The Mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, and the Councillor for Participation, Antoni Peña, together with the collaborating restaurateurs, neighbours and other members of the council, have presented the programme for the Fiestas de Cristo Rey, which marks the start of this summer celebrations.

Neighbourhood festivities in Inca

“With the Crist Rei festivities, we begin the programme of neighbourhood festivities, which is carried out throughout the summer to contribute to making the town a village and more dynamic. Inca is a lively and very active municipality thanks to this type of initiatives that count on the involvement and collaboration of everyone,” explains the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

For his part, the councillor for Participation, Antoni Peña, stresses that “for yet another year, we have prepared the programme with great enthusiasm so that young and old alike can take to the streets and participate in the activities”. So, the celebrations begin on 28 June with Music in the Street with Electric Jump, Estación de Sonido and DJ Juan Campos, with the collaboration of Mandingas and Gran Bar.

Then, on Saturday 29 June from 10 am to 1 pm, there will be a children’s water and foam parties. The main attraction on Saturday is the open-air dinner, which will be enlivened by a Duo Simon y Juan performance. On the other hand, on Sunday there will be a mass in homage to the elderly in the Church of Cristo Rey. Finally, on Sunday at 20.30, the traditional karaoke contest will be held with prizes from the local businesses.