Progress on the Sa Pobla WWTP expansion work is assessed

Jun 26, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The improvements will increase the treatment capacity of the treatment plant by 54% of the daily and peak flows

The councillor for the Sea and Water Cycle, Juan Manuel Lafuente, and the director general of Water Resources, Joan Calafat, have met with the mayor of Sa Pobla, Biel Ferragut, to assess the progress of the expansion and improvement work on the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the Mallorcan municipality. These works, which began in July 2023, are scheduled to be completed by the end of the year, and the plant is expected to be fully operational in February 2025. Also present during the visit was the manager of ABAQUA, Emeterio Moles.

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Sa Pobla WWTP

The main objective of this action is to adapt the WWTP to the new regulatory requirements and to adapt the sanitation and purification infrastructures to current and future needs. This includes the age and loss of performance of the facilities, the characteristics of the pollutant load of the incoming water and the increase in population forecast for the coming years. In addition, these works seek to make progress in effectively separating rainwater and wastewater, which has been developed in the municipality in recent years.

Once completed, the improvements will double the treatment capacity from the current flow of 2,000 m³/day to 3,850 m³/day, allowing the station to serve a maximum population of 25,667 people, compared to the 15,000 people it currently serves.

Councillor Lafuente expressed his satisfaction with the progress of the works, underlining the importance of the project: “We are very pleased that the works are progressing according to schedule. Reusing reclaimed water is crucial for tackling the effects of climate change, especially in an archipelago like ours, where this resource is so scarce”.

The Balearic Water and Environmental Quality Agency awarded the works to the joint venture FACSA-MELCHOR MASCARÓ, S.L. in May 2023, for 7,098,803.40 euros including VAT. The main actions planned consist of a new pre-treatment system, two biological treatment lines and secondary settling, a digester and a sludge thickener, as well as the remodelling of the dehydration and control buildings.

The improvements will increase the treatment capacity of the WWTP by 54% of the daily and peak flows. The equivalent population admitted by the new treatment plant will also increase by 54%, which will enable future treatment demands to be met. No forced stoppage has been carried out during the works, nor have any actions been taken that have resulted in a discharge into the environment that does not comply with the established quality objectives.