The Menorca Biosphere Reserve Agency will install 100 new electric vehicle charging points by 2024

Jun 26, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The total investment has been estimated at 500,000 euros.

The Consell Insular de Menorca, through the Menorca Biosphere Reserve Agency, will install 100 new electric vehicle charging points in different locations in the municipalities of Menorca. The action is part of the Plan for the Development of the Network of Charging Points (PDR) for Electric Vehicles (EV) in Menorca, which aims to achieve 18% electrification of the island’s vehicle fleet by 2030.

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The Menorca Biosphere Reserve Agency

At the moment, the process has already begun for the installation of the first 25 double charging points, with the capacity to park and charge 50 vehicles simultaneously. The other 25 double points will be installed in a second phase in 2024 to reach 100 charging points (50 double points). These facilities will be integrated into the MELIB network of the Balearic Government, will have a minimum of 22kW and will allow the semi-fast charging of EVs.

The total investment for the new installations has been estimated at 500,000 euros.

The Plan for the Development of the Network of Charging Points for Electric Vehicles in Menorca is part of the Menorca 2030 Strategy of the Island Council, which seeks to promote the penetration of renewable energies on the island to cover 85% of electricity demand with clean energy.

“The efforts of the Consell Insular are focused on the progressive electrification of energy demands, such as mobility. The use of fossil fuels in road travel is one of the main sources of emissions on the island, which is why it is necessary to commit to a new model of mobility. The expansion of the EV charging infrastructure to increase the use of this type of vehicle is one of the key measures for the decarbonisation of Menorca”, explained the councillor for the Environment, Biosphere Reserve and Cooperation, Simón Gornés.

According to the Consell Insular’s estimates, to achieve the 18% electrification of Menorca’s vehicle fleet (around 14,000 vehicles), a total of 1,300 charging points will have to be installed. 50% will have to be assumed by the administration, some 700 public charging points, to comply with the ratio of 10 EVs per charging point established by the EU. The remaining 50% would be taken over by the private sector in response to the strong demand for EVs in recent years and the attractive business opportunities in the sector.

Investment and costs of the plan

The total public investment needed to address these interventions is estimated at 6.56 million euros (excluding VAT), an investment that could be made cheaper with the support of ITS funds and its call for subsidies to establish new semi-fast charging points for electric vehicles, the concentration of public charging points in electric mobility centres (-40%) or the use of existing supplies (-15%). Also, in terms of costs, the maintenance and management plan for this future network of charging points estimates that each point would have an annual cost of 6,000 euros in software, maintenance, energy and power, which would translate into 4 million euros per year for the network as a whole. To cover the costs, the plan proposes to sell energy for between €0.2 and €0.3/kWh, a price that would allow a 100 km trip at a cost of €3.75 for a vehicle consuming 15 kW/100 km.

The plan’s environmental study concludes that the proposed infrastructures, with prospects for 2030, imply a saving in emissions of 17,300 tonnes of CO2 per year after their implementation, as well as an estimated saving in emissions of 34,100 kg of NO2 and 6,800 kg of particulates per year.

The plan, the result of an agreement of the Plenary of the Consell de Catalunya

The Development Plan for the Public Network of Electric Vehicle Charging Points in Menorca has been drawn up by ETECNIC Energy & Mobility for the Consell Insular de Menorca.

The drafting of the plan has taken into account current state and regional legislation on climate change and energy transition, European directives on the subject, as well as the objectives of the Menorca 2030 Strategy for the decarbonisation of the island’s electricity system and the Action Plan of the Biosphere Reserve.