The summer camps of the Consell de Mallorca start in La Victòria with 640 youngsters

Jun 27, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

One of the novelties of this year are the talks of the Guardia Civil about cybersecurity and social networks.

The summer camps organised by the Consell de Mallorca have already begun. 640 children and young people, divided into ten shifts of 64 places, will enjoy different summer activities in the facilities of the Victòria camp, in Alcúdia. This year there has been record participation, with 2,498 applications submitted to enjoy the leisure activity during the summer, 636 more applications than in 2023.

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The summer camps of the Consell de Mallorca start in La Victòria with 640 youngsters

The educational project of this year’s camps is focused on the protection of the territory. Among other activities, there will be water activities, such as puddle surfing, and educational evenings aimed at caring for the environment. In addition, there will also be a visit to the military base in Pollença to see the seaplane base.

One of the novelties this year are the talks that the Guardia Civil will be giving to young people about cybersecurity and social networks. Two Guardia Civil officers will give advice and explain good practices for making good use of the Internet and social networks.

The island’s director of Youth and Participation, Carme Ripoll, visited the first group of children at this summer’s camp and said that “these camps offer an initiative for children and young people to enjoy, but also reinforce values such as coexistence and respect for the environment”.

The Consell de Mallorca’s camps in Victòria are aimed at children and young people between the ages of 9 and 16 (born between 2008 and 2015), registered in a municipality in Mallorca. A total of 640 places are offered, organised in ten shifts of 64 places. In each shift, two places are reserved for participants with moderate dependency, severe dependency or severe dependency. On the other hand, users of social services will be entitled to five places in each shift with a 50% discount on the total price of the ordinary fee.