Educación brings together for the first time the ethics committee for educational agreements for the 0-3 stage, which will ensure the proper functioning of early childhood education

Jun 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Conselleria de Educació i Universitats has hosted the first meeting of the ethical commission for educational agreements for the 0-3 stage, which has been created to ensure the proper functioning of the first cycle of early childhood education in the Balearic Islands.

Ismael Alonso, the Director General of Teaching Staff and Concerted Centres, chaired the first commission, which was also attended by representatives of the employers’ associations EIG-ECIB, CECEIB, UCTAIB and CEIPIMEN; two representatives of the parents of the pupils; and technicians from the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities.

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Educació brings together for the first time the ethics committee for educational agreements for the 0-3 stage, which will ensure the proper functioning of early childhood education

The aim of the commission, which has been created before the start of the 0-3 education stage, which will begin on 1 September, is to ensure and provide the greatest transparency to the process and guarantee a quality service to families after the implementation of free education for the entire cycle of infant education in all centres on the Balearic Islands supported with public funds.

Thus, the ethical commission for educational agreements for the 0-3 stage, which will meet every term, aims to monitor the application of free early childhood education in the first cycle in the area of subsidised education, to guarantee transparency in the management of resources and the participation of the public sector in the process, and to ensure the quality of the service provided to families after the implementation of free early childhood education in the first cycle in all publicly-funded centres in the Balearic Islands.