IdISBa’s scientific platform joins EHDEN, one of Europe’s leading health information networks

Jun 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

EHDEN is a network currently consisting of 187 partners with health data from 29 countries in the European region, with more than 850 million anonymised health records.

PRISIB is the first IdISBa platform that makes IB-Salut health data available to the scientific community to drive research, innovation and evaluation in health.

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IdISBa’s scientific platform

This month, the scientific-technical Platform for Research with Health Information of the Balearic Islands (PRISIB) received final approval from EHDEN (European Health Data & Evidence Network) for the process of data harmonisation that it has been applying over the last few months, to form part of this important health information network at European level.

EHDEN Project: European Health Data & Evidence Network

The EHDEN project is a network currently consisting of 187 partners with health data from 29 countries in the European region, with more than 850 million anonymised health records harmonised with the common OMOP data model.

The EHDEN project aims to facilitate the use of real health data to advance treatments, health decisions, outcomes and, ultimately, patient care. It therefore works actively to create an open scientific community where patients’ data can be reused securely and with respect for their privacy.

This community is nourished by the contributions of each of these 187 partners, of which the Balearic Islands Health Research Institute (IdISBa) now forms part hand in hand with PRISIB, thus enabling researchers to work with health data on a large scale and obtain more solid conclusions.

Thus, PRISIB is now officially a fully functional Data Partner of EHDEN and is registered as such, both on the EHDEN project portal and in the catalogue of real data sources for research of the European Medicines Agency, facilitating participation in international projects.

PRISIB: Platform for Research with Health Information of the Balearic Islands

The Balearic Islands Health Information Research Platform (PRISIB) is the first platform that makes health data generated by the Balearic Islands Health Service (IB-Salut) available to the scientific community to promote research, innovation and evaluation in health.

The Balearic Islands Health Research Institute (IdISBa) and the Health Service (IB-Salut) jointly launched this scientific-technical platform in 2018, bringing together all the health data of the autonomous community. Since then, PRISIB has not stopped collaborating with institutions and projects such as EHDEN to harmonise data, moving towards the common data presentation model called OMOP.

OMOP (Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership) is a standardised data model developed by OHDSI (Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics) focused on the reuse of healthcare information. Its objective is precisely to establish a common, standardised model for this type of data so that it can be used on a large scale without the need for the data to leave the environment where it is generated and to develop specific extraction and analysis code for each participating node.