The Consell de Mallorca commemorates LGTBI Pride Day

Jun 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

President Galmés has hung a banner on the façade of the Palau del Consell defending a diverse Mallorca.

The Consell de Mallorca has joined on the 28th of June to the LGTBI pride day. The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, accompanied by the councillor of the Presidency, Toni Fuster, and the island’s director of Families, Ana Ferriol, hung a banner on the façade of the Palau del Consell to demand an island where everyone is respected and to demonstrate that the island’s institution is committed to equality and respect for the rights and freedoms of all citizens.

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The Consell de Mallorca commemorates LGTBI Pride Day

This year the multicoloured flag has also been hung on the façade of the Consell headquarters and, as a novelty, the staircase of honour of the Palau del Consell has been decorated with the rainbow flag. The Misericordia Cultural Centre and the Principal Theatre of Palma have also decorated their façades with the multicoloured flag.

President Galmés assured that “at the Consell de Mallorca we are committed to equality and respect for the rights and freedoms of everyone. Because everyone has to be free to be and love whoever they want. We will not take a single step back in the fight against LGTBI-phobia. In fact, this year we have increased the budget allocated to the Families department by 6%.

In the current legislature, the Consell de Mallorca works in a transversal and structural way from all the departments of the institution to attend to the LGTBI collective from two aspects, on the one hand, with the attention to people who need psychological and/or legal help and, on the other hand, in awareness raising and training. The Consell has the Service of Integral Attention (SAI), which attends to the consultations and needs of the people who belong to the LGTBI collective, offering the psychological and legal accompaniment that their personal situation requires.

In addition, the Consell de Mallorca defends that it is essential to raise awareness of respect for diversity, as part of the commitment to build an inclusive Mallorca, where everyone has a place and is treated with respect. All to achieve a diverse and inclusive Mallorca.