Sports calls for a grant of 80,000 euros to promote adapted sport

Jun 30, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Balearic Government understands the practice of adapted sports as an element that generates personal well-being, integration and equality.

The Directorate General of Sports has presented a grant of 80,000 euros to promote adapted sport in 2024. The purpose of this call is to facilitate the practice of physical activity and sport adapted to all people with disabilities, understanding this adapted sport as an element that generates personal well-being, integration and equality.

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Sports calls for a grant of 80,000 euros to promote adapted sport

The selection of the beneficiary persons or entities will be carried out using a competitive procedure. Competition is understood to be the procedure in which grants are awarded by comparing the applications submitted, to establish a priority taking into account the assessment criteria set out in these rules, until a specific number of points is obtained. Under no circumstances may the amount of the subsidies awarded exceed 100% of the amount of the project or the established maximum of €15,000.

The criteria and scales for the evaluation of these applications are divided into four axes: impact of the programme; adequacy of the budget; quality in the design of the programme; and treatment in the programme of cross-cutting issues, gender equality, equal treatment and interculturality.

The call for subsidies for adapted sports can be consulted in the BOIB of 29 June 2024.