Menorca and Ibiza host a new edition of the Tech Camp, a unique technological experience for young people from 12 to 17 years old

Jul 1, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This technology campus, organised by the FabLabs Network and promoted by the Bit Foundation, will take place in July.

The CentreBit Menorca’s FabLab and Ibiza’s FabLab will once again be the setting this summer for the Menorca and Ibiza Tech Camp 2024, a free technology initiative in Menorca and at reduced prices in Ibiza, aimed at young people between the ages of 12 and 17. Organised by the FabLabs Network and promoted by the Bit Foundation, under the Directorate General for Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Finance and Innovation, this technology campus will take place during July.

In this edition, the young participants from Menorca will have the opportunity to delve into the world of solar energy and 3D technology. The programme includes design activities, modelling and 3D printing of solar lamps, as well as the creation of websites to market their projects. This experience will allow participants to explore digital fabrication and develop skills in a practical and motivating context.

Likewise, at the FabLab in Plaza de sa Drassaneta in Ibiza, this technology campus will tackle 3D manufacturing techniques and digital electronic prototyping through the construction of the Otto robot. During the course, participants will deal with everything from the structure to the joints to the control via Arduino electronics, and everything will be designed and adapted by each of the participating teams, with the idea of holding a competition to win the prize for the best OTTO robot in Ibiza.

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Menorca and Ibiza host a new edition of the Tech Camp, a unique technological experience for young people from 12 to 17 years old

The Menorca and Ibiza Tech Camp 2024 will offer comprehensive training in innovative technologies, where young people will learn through active methodologies such as learning by doing. With the support of a team of experts led by members of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), participants will develop real projects and acquire essential skills for the future.

During the first days of the campus, the young people will be grouped into teams to start working on their solar lamp and robotics projects. Over the four weeks, they will learn how to programme electronic systems, design and 3D print components, and integrate sustainable energy solutions. In addition, they will have the opportunity to create their own website to sell their creations, thus developing digital marketing skills.

This programme not only promotes technological knowledge, but also fosters values such as teamwork, creativity and critical thinking. FabLabs, like the one at CentreBit Menorca, develop spaces for collaboration and innovation where young people can experiment and grow personally and academically.

Although the places for Menorca are completely sold out, there are still some places available in Ibiza, so the registration period has been extended until 5 July. In addition, Ibiza Town Hall will also offer a second campus in August, in collaboration with the UIB. To sign up, contact or call 971 39 75 44.