The Consell de Mallorca presents the summer activities programme ‘Cultura en vena’ (Culture in Vein)

Jul 2, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The president of the island’s institution, Llorenç Galmés, assures that a large number of cultural and artistic events have been organised to bring culture to everyone.

This Monday, the Consell de Mallorca presented the summer programme of activities ‘Cultura en vena’ (Culture in the air). The president of the island’s institution, Llorenç Galmés, assures that a large number of cultural and artistic events have been organised to bring culture to everyone and invite all the citizens of Mallorca to experience the entire programme for the coming months of July and August.

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The Consell de Mallorca presents the summer activities programme ‘Cultura en vena’ (Culture in Vein)

It is a large programme of activities made up of different cycles, among which two great novelties stand out: ‘Misericòrdia Petit’, a programme of activities for children, and ‘Dissabtes a la Misericòrdia’, a programme of weekly concerts in the cultural centre. Also taking part are the ‘La Lluna en Vers’ concert series; ‘La Volta a Mallorca’; the ‘Contacones de la Misericòrdia’ and the exhibitions at the cultural centre and the Museum of Mallorca. You can find all the detailed information at

Culture in vein

“In this way, we are launching the campaign to promote culture ‘Cultura en vena’, which conveys the idea that Mallorca carries culture within itself, that it forms an integral part of the island’s identity and also of our way of life”, explained President Galmés. That is why the campaign logo features different elements of the island’s heritage, such as Mallorca Cathedral, Bellver Castle, El Pontàs, Na Foradada, a mill and a lighthouse.

In addition, Galmés explained, the campaign to promote culture includes the participation of great personalities from the world of culture. These ambassadors have been Llum Barrera (actress); Agustín el Casta (comedian); Jaume Anglada (singer); Jaume Colombàs (musician); René Makela (plastic artist); Tomeu Penya (singer); Mar Vives (lyric singer); Jaume Ripoll (Atlantida Mallorca Film Fest); Joan Carles Bestard (actor); Joan Muntaner (singer); José Juan Umbert (musician) and Paco González.