The Government announces that Social Security offices will be purple points for victims of gender-based violence

Jul 2, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, the Minister for Equality, Ana Redondo, and Rodríguez Zapatero The Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, the Minister for Equality, Ana Redondo, and the former Prime Minister of Spain, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, during the meeting.

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Elma Saiz has offered to make the Social Security facilities part of the network of Puntos Violeta (Purple Points) promoted by the Ministry of Equality. This was announced at the first meeting of the Gender Gap Advisory Council. The meeting, which was co-chaired by the Minister for Equality, Ana Redondo, was attended by the 17 members of the Council, including personalities from the academic, political and cultural worlds, such as former President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the footballer Ivana Andrés and the Director of the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art, Elvira Dyangani.

The Government announces that Social Security offices will be purple points for victims of gender-based violence

The Gender Gap Advisory Council of the Ministry of Inclusion was created with the aim of advising on decision-making on public policies within the Ministry’s remit from a gender perspective, particularly those aimed at reducing the gender gap. In addition, among its functions is to propose initiatives that can close the gaps caused by traditional gender roles that persist.

At this first meeting of the Council, it was also agreed to present a global report analysing the situation within a year, containing proposals for measures to be implemented by the Ministry. In addition, the Council will begin to advise on specific issues on which it is currently working, such as the Regulation of the Law on Foreigners, Permanent Incapacity and its compatibility with work, and possible improvements to the Minimum Vital Income.

On the other hand, the publication of statistics and specific information on the gender gap in each of the areas of this ministry will be promoted.

In turn, Minister Saiz recalled that a few days ago the Council of Ministers approved the Social Impact Fund (FIS), with 400 million euros, which will be used to respond to social challenges such as social integration, the reduction of inequality and inclusion. In this context, “initiatives that contribute to increasing the number of women in social entrepreneurship, where their presence is below 20%, will be especially valued,” Saiz said.

For her part, the Minister for Equality, Ana Redondo, highlighted the importance of the Advisory Council set up today in the fight against all gender gaps. In this regard, the minister referred to the importance of the Parity Law, of which she stressed its importance in tackling glass ceilings, and also referred to the need to tackle the so-called sticky floors. “This is a feminist government and we are demonstrating it with transversal actions such as today’s”, she insisted.

Social Security, a great Punto Violeta

Punto Violeta is an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Equality that seeks to offer safe places for victims of male violence, a place where they will be attended to, supported and accompanied, and where they will be informed of the care and help services available to them. It is part of the catalogue of urgent measures of the Improvement and Modernisation Plan promoted by different ministries of the Spanish Government, and its main tool is to involve society as a whole in the fight against gender violence.

The Minister of Gender Equality and the fight against violence against women is a way to involve society as a whole in the fight against gender-based violence.

“The Administration, as part of society, must get involved in putting an end to gender violence and helping its victims,” said Minister Saiz. “The Social Security has an extensive network of offices throughout the country. It also has a staff of extraordinary workers who have already demonstrated more than once their vocation for public service and their sensitivity. Both elements, together with the training and guidance of the Ministry of Equality, convince us that we must take a step forward in this fight. The Administration has to help citizens, in this case female citizens, and offering the Social Security offices as Puntos Violeta is just one consequence of this involvement”.