Miquel Pieras, the new official chronicler of the city of Inca

Jul 3, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The plenary session of the Inca City Council has unanimously approved the appointment of Miquel Pieras Villalonga as the city’s official chronicler. In this way, the Inquer takes over the testimony of his father Biel Pieras, after he expressed his will to resign from the post by his own decision.

“The figure of the Official Chronicler of Inca is of paramount importance for our municipality. We are convinced that Miquel Pieras will develop this position exceptionally and continue with the fruitful legacy of the two previous chroniclers. His consolidated trajectory endorses him”, stresses the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

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Miquel Pieras, the new official chronicler of the city of Inca

Thus, on 31st January, the Inca Town Council initiated proceedings to appoint the official chronicler of the city of Inca, by article 3 of the municipal regulations governing the post of official chronicler of the city of Inca. Miquel Pieras was the only candidate, once the period for the presentation of candidatures had ended.

The documentation provided by Pieras, his merits and his work of study, research and dissemination of the history and issues related to the city of Inca favourably endorse his candidacy, as stated in the report prepared by the Culture Department. Miquel Pieras Villalonga, a graduate in Geography and History, is a secondary school teacher and trainer for the Inca Teachers’ Centre. He has carried out important work in historical research and dissemination of the Mallorcan past and culture, especially in the municipality of Inca; his curriculum includes numerous book publications and magazine contributions.

On the other hand, Pieras collaborates actively with the Town Hall, as well as with the Philatelic Association of Inca. He is also a member of and collaborates with other entities linked to the field of culture, has been a town crier for Dijous Bo and Easter Week, and has been awarded several prizes.

As the Official Chronicler of the City of Inca, Miquel Pieras will have to bring to all citizens the knowledge and historical, social, cultural, artistic, linguistic and landscape values that make up the heritage of Inca and, thus, strengthening the conscience of the people. Furthermore, the Official Chronicler must update Inca’s historical legacy from a global and present vision at the service of all, as established in the regulations.