Culture opens a participatory process for the elaboration of the Cultural Rights Plan

Jul 4, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

With this collaborative methodology, which will include experts, civil society and sectoral agents, both a diagnosis of the situation and proposals in specific areas will be drawn up.

The Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, at the presentation of the roadmap for the Cultural Rights Plan, at the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum in Madrid.

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Culture opens a participatory process for the elaboration of the Cultural Rights Plan

The Ministry of Culture has announced the opening of a participatory process for the drafting of the Cultural Rights Plan, an initiative it is developing as a priority line of action. This was announced today by the Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, together with the Director General for Cultural Rights, Jazmín Beirak, at the presentation of the plan’s roadmap at the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza. They were joined by the coordinators of two of the working groups that will collaborate in drawing up the plan: Beatriz Barreiro, professor of International Public Law at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; and Dagmary Olivar, researcher and cultural manager.

Collaborative process
The aim of this methodology for drawing up the plan, according to the participants, is to collaboratively enrich the design and drafting of the plan from different perspectives, which will include both a diagnosis of the situation and a series of proposals in specific areas.

Participatory inputs will be diverse, ranging from experts to civil society, as well as sectoral actors, who will feed into the content of the plan. It will also have a range of actors who will act as coordinators and facilitators to ensure that participation is agile, inclusive and productive.

Cultural entities, experts and governmental institutions, as well as individual citizens, will contribute to the content of the plan, both in the initial analysis and in the generation of concrete proposals, ensuring a diverse and rich representation of perspectives. Likewise, there will be a Sectoral Conference on Culture, to channel the contributions of the Autonomous Communities, as well as sectoral and territorial meetings, which will include cultural sectors such as film, theatre and music.

Thematic axes: freedom, diversity, sustainability…
The different aspects to be covered by the plan will be organised into thirteen thematic axes, which will guide the formation of the working groups. They are the following: ‘Local and community development’, ‘Education and culture’, ‘Cultural mediation’, ‘Gender equality’, ‘Ethnic-racial diversity’, ‘Linguistic diversity’, ‘Disability’, ‘Inequality’, ‘Intergenerational culture’, ‘Sustainability, ‘Digital rights’, ‘Evaluation of cultural policies’ and ‘Regulatory adequacy, good practices and governance’.