Isabel Rodríguez considers it “necessary and urgent” to regulate seasonal rentals

Jul 4, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister for Housing and the Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, has chaired the third meeting of the Working Group for the regulation of seasonal rentals, created and coordinated by her ministry, to whose members she has conveyed the need to “establish the necessary mechanisms to avoid circumventing the Law on Urban Leases (LAU) and to safeguard seasonal rentals that are seasonal, such as those of students or temporary workers.

Specific regulation
Likewise, temporary contracts (Seasonal, Tourist, Rooms or Floating Vessels) should be registered for short-term rentals through a Single Registration Platform, complying with the Regulation mandated by the European Union (Regulation 2024/1028 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 April 2024 on the collection and exchange of data on short-term accommodation rental services).

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Regulate seasonal rentals

Working Group
In addition to the Minister, today’s meeting was attended by the Secretary of State for Housing and the Urban Agenda, David Lucas, and the Secretary-General for the Urban Agenda, Housing and Architecture, Iñaqui Carnicero, together with other representatives of the General State Administration: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise, Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 and the General Secretariat for Economic Affairs and G20 of the Presidency of the Government.

On the part of civil society, representatives of the Council of Associations of Property Administrators, the General Council of Associations of Real Estate Agents, the Spanish Association of Public Housing and Land Managers, the Federation of Associations of Real Estate Companies, trade unions (Comisiones Obreras and Unión General de Trabajadores), the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE), the Union of Tenants, the Confederation of Urban Property Chambers and Associations of Urban Property Owners were present.

The constitutive session of the Group took place on 22 December last and its creation was included in the fifth additional provision of Law 12/2023, of 24 May, on the Right to Housing; while seasonal rental contracts on properties for residential use are included in article 3 of Law 29/1994, of 24 November, on Urban Leases (LAU). At the second meeting, held on 18 April, the proposals sent to the Working Group for the regulation of seasonal rentals were studied and a new meeting was called to decide on the conclusions, which is the one that took place this Wednesday.

Tourist accommodation
Although it was not the subject of today’s meeting, the minister also referred to the problem of tourist accommodation and the progress, together with the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, in collaboration with the autonomous communities and town councils, for the imminent development and entry into operation of a Single State Register “that brings transparency to the system and allows us to prosecute fraud and abuse”.

Housing, in addition, within the framework of its competences, is working on a proposal to amend the Horizontal Property Law (LPH) with the aim of “empowering neighbours so that they can prohibit the establishment of these tourist accommodations on their residential properties”. The minister, in fact, has already begun a round of contacts with the parliamentary groups in order to secure the necessary support for this legislative amendment. Similarly, “we will meet with the economic and social sectors so that we all participate in the response”, concluded Isabel Rodríguez.