Eleven schools in the Balearic Islands apply to join the Voluntary Pilot Plan for Free Choice of Language

Jul 5, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

A total of eleven schools in the Balearic Islands have applied to join the Voluntary Pilot Plan for Free Choice of Language starting next year. The Plan will be implemented for three school years in primary education. Secondary schools that request to join the Plan will be able to start applying it in the 2025-2026 school year.

For the Voluntary Pilot Plan for Free Choice of Language to be implemented with all the guarantees, the Selection Committee responsible for assessing the applications and ensuring compliance with the requirements of the call for applications has analysed the applications of the schools Nuestra Señora de Montesión, Can Bonet, Mare de Déu de les Neus, Sant Vicenç de Paül-Sa Vileta, San Alfonso Maria Ligorio, Santa Mònica, Nostra Senyora de Consolació d’Eivissa, Nostra Senyora de Consolació d’Alaró, Nostra Senyora de Consolació de Palma, Aixa-Llaüt and Juan de la Cierva. Now, the Conselleria d’Educació i Universitats has opened the period for the centres to resolve the amendments.

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Eleven schools in the Balearic Islands apply to join the Voluntary Pilot Plan for Free Choice of Language

The Plan aims to guarantee full and equivalent communicative competence in the two official languages, to reinforce the autonomy of the centre, to apply evaluation and improvement instruments specific to the education system and to achieve educational success and equity, and equal opportunities, so that all pupils reach their optimum level of learning. In this sense, the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities, through the Institute for the Evaluation and Quality of the Education System (IAQSE), will carry out diagnostic tests for pupils in the 4th year of primary education. These tests will be repeated in the 2026-2027 school year for pupils in the 6th year of primary education to analyse and evaluate the results.

Schools that have applied to join the Plan will always have to guarantee a minimum of 50% of the teaching hours in Catalan to comply with the Decree on minimums and will offer the possibility of doing mathematics and knowledge of the environment in Catalan or Spanish. For its part, the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities will provide the centres with the human resources necessary to carry it out.