More opportunities for athletes from the Balearic Islands, the objective of the new technification model presented by the Government of the Balearic Islands

Jul 5, 2024 | Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The axes of the new model are: athletes as a priority; optimisation of resources; equal opportunities; long-term excellence; objectivity and transparency; and quality rather than quantity.

Enabling Balearic athletes to have the best possible conditions to achieve their dreams is the basis of the new model of sports technification in the Balearic Islands. This was stated by the Councillor for Tourism, Culture and Sport, Jaume Bauzà, at the presentation of this model that took place at the Illes Balears Velodrome, which was also attended by the Director General of Sports, Joan Antoni Ramonell, the manager of the Balearic Sports Foundation, Eladi Huertas, and the coach Mateu Cañellas.

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More opportunities for athletes from the Balearic Islands, the objective of the new technification model presented by the Government of the Balearic Islands

The councillor highlighted the “good work carried out both from the political side and by in-house technicians” and recalled that “this government is characterised by listening to everyone and then working on what has been agreed with the sector, in this case sport”. In this sense, Joan Antoni Ramonell pointed out that “the new model arises from a demand from the Assembly of Sport and Physical Activity of the Balearic Islands and from our own realisation, after a year of hard work, of the need to reformulate a system that, although valid at the time, is not adapted to current sporting needs”.

Ramonell, together with Eladi Huertas and Mateu Cañellas, has gone in depth into how this new management model of the Sports Technification Centre of the Balearic Islands (CTEIB) has been designed and how it will work.

  1. Athletes as a priority
    The Director General of Sports emphasised that “above the particular interests of politicians, federations, clubs, technical staff, teachers… the interests of the sportsperson must always prevail”.
  2. Optimisation of resources
    In order to achieve the objectives set, some items that until now have been managed separately by the Directorate General of Sports and the Foundation for Balearic Sports and which are related to the new model of technification will be integrated.
  1. Equal opportunities
    As Ramonell stated, what has been done is to establish new rules of the game that are known to all, ensuring that the development of the programmes is not based on any political decision but always on technical criteria.
  2. Long-term excellence
    According to Huertas, the new model does not aim to obtain sporting achievements at an early age, but rather to maximise the possibilities for Balearic athletes to achieve high performance in the long term.
  3. Objectivity and transparency
    The new management structure, which will involve the participation of the regional sports federations, has been presented as an open system, as it allows for the incorporation of new programmes and encourages the departure of those who do not reach the minimum requirements. Furthermore, the whole system will be based on technical, objective and quantifiable criteria, and, on this basis, a more equitable and transparent distribution of resources will be made.
  4. Quality before quantity
    In this sense, as the Foundation’s manager explained, the level of requirements to take part in the different programmes has been increased, with a clear commitment to quality over quantity.