The Consell de Govern authorises IB3 to pay the €1.6m agreed in the staff internalisation process

Jul 6, 2024 | Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This measure fulfils the commitment of the President of the government acquired last January with the workers and union representatives.

The approved amount will be used to pay the payment on account of the integration to the minimum wage, as well as the triennia for seniority.

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The Consell de Govern authorises IB3 to pay the €1.6m agreed in the staff internalisation process

The Consell de Govern has approved today to authorise the Ente Públic de la Radiotelevisió de les Illes Balears (EPRTVIB) to process the expenditure of 1,678,150.67 euros derived from the process of integration of subrogated personnel for the internalisation of the news, technical and associated services of IB3. This expenditure is the result of the integration at the minimum level of the fifteenth additional provision of Law 15/2012 of the 315 workers affected by this internalisation process, as well as the three-year seniority payments corresponding to the 2024 financial year.

With this agreement, the Government of President Marga Prohens has taken a further step in making effective the commitment acquired with both the workers of the public body and their union representatives regarding the internalisation process.

Once the internalisation process was completed with the mandatory favourable reports in January 2023 and the services were subrogated the following month, the new management of the EPRTVIB began negotiations with the works council in January 2024 to achieve the definitive integration of the subrogated staff, agreeing on the retroactive nature of the integration to 1 January 2024, the new classification of professional categories and the grouping of the jobs. Similarly, a negotiation timetable was established with a deadline of 30 June 2024.

On 19 June 2024, the EPRTVIB asked the Directorate General for Budgets and Financing and the Directorate General for Civil Service for the respective favourable report on the payment. The request was accompanied by the calculations of remuneration with adjustments to minimums, calculations of three-year increments and a certificate of the existence of appropriations, which was issued the following day.

On 27 June 2024 the Director General of Budgets and Financing reported favourably, in terms of budgetary availability and sustainability, on the EPRTVIB’s proposal and on 1 July 2024 he also reported favourably on the possibility of making the payment approved today.