The Defence Technology Centre in Jaén will create 2,600 jobs linked to research excellence

Jul 8, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, visited the Technological Centre for Development and Experimentation (CETEDEX) in Jaén.

The Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, during her visit to the site of the Technological Centre for Development and Experimentation (CETEDEX), in Jaén, Spain.

One year and seven months after the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, announced this Ministry of Defence project, significant progress has been made in its development and in the conviction that it will become a reality sooner rather than later thanks to this government commitment.

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The Defence Technology Centre in Jaén will create 2,600 jobs linked to research excellence

It is precisely this government project that the minister emphasised, and in her address to the media she explained the meaning of initiatives such as CETEDEX: “In a geostrategic context such as the one we have, with the war in Ukraine and 56 declared conflicts, we know perfectly well that we have to invest in defence, and that is what we are doing”.
We want a modern Armed Forces,” said Robles, “technologically prepared, at the forefront of Europe, and this centre with its three pillars (anti-drone defence systems, intelligent vehicles and artificial intelligence) fulfils this objective.

The Secretary of State for Defence, Amparo Valcarce, highlighted the generation of opportunities that the development of the CETEDEX, budgeted at 222 million euros, will bring with it. The infrastructure that we are presenting today is important,” said the SEDEF, “but what is more important is the content, the set of projects that are going to be carried out here, with our commitment to generate at least 2,600 jobs in Jaén”.

Valcarce also thanked the business fabric of the province, for which CETEDEX will be a reference point.

The Minister was accompanied on her visit by the Government Delegate in Andalusia, Pedro Fernández Peñalver, and by the Mayor of Jaén, Agustín González Romo. Together with the other civilian and military authorities, they attended the presentation by Major General Jesús Carlos Gómez Pardo, Deputy Director General of Ground Systems at the National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA).

In his speech, he said that CETEDEX, which is at a crucial moment, is destined to be a centre of excellence in research into key defence technologies, a catalyst for technological development and a driver of dual capabilities.

The future technology centre, located in the Nuevo Jaén Industrial Estate, will also serve to structure the territory and strengthen the base of the defence industry in the region and the community.

Golden Trowel Awards
The Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, during the presentation of the Palustre de Oro awardsThe Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, during the presentation of the Palustre de Oro awards.

After the visit to CETEDEX, the Minister of Defence travelled to the Jaén Trade Fairs and Congress Centre, where the Palustre de Oro awards ceremony was held, with which the Jaén Provincial Association of Builders and Promoters of Works recognises the work of businessmen, professionals and institutions in the sector.

The Minister received the Palustre precisely because of her commitment and express support for CETEDEX’s choice of Jaén as the epicentre of its activity, which will bring economic and employment dynamism to the capital and the province.