President Galmés visits the Obra Cultural Balear headquarters

Jul 10, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The president of the OCB, Antoni Llabrés, has shown Llorenç Galmés the house museum dedicated to remembering the figure and work of Joan Alcover.

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, and the vice-president and councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, visited Ca n’Alcover, the institutional headquarters of the Obra Cultural Balear, on Tuesday.

The President of the OCB, Antoni Llabrés, showed Galmés and Roca around the house museum dedicated to commemorating the figure and work of Joan Alcover (Palma, 1854-1926).

It should be remembered that the Consell de Mallorca earmarks a direct budget item every year for the dissemination of the work of the important author of the Escola Mallorquina and creator of “La Balanguera”, Mallorca’s anthem. The island institution allocates more than 200,000 euros to the promotion of Catalan through direct subsidies, including to the OCB.

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President Galmés visits the Obra Cultural Balear headquarters

In this way, the island institution continues to promote the cultural legacy of the renowned intellectual Joan Alcover, as well as that of other leading poets and writers in Mallorcan culture.

The recent inauguration in June of the Casa Blai Bonet, a poetry centre, the birthplace of the poet from Santanyí, acquired by the Consell de Mallorca and converted by the corporation into a space open to the public so that the inherited cultural legacy can be enjoyed.

Llorenç Galmés and Antònia Roca were able to gain first-hand knowledge of the poet’s creative universe: his manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, books, furniture and other emblematic elements of his private and artistic life. They also visited the rooms where he worked and the room where his gatherings were held.