The Consell de Mallorca awards a 1.1 million euro contract for the drafting of the construction project for Section I of Palma’s second ring road

Jul 10, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Gesix-Ayesa joint venture (UTE) has been awarded the contract in the public tender to promote the technical composition of this work, which has a budget of 110 million euros and could begin in late 2026 or early 2027.

The Consell de Mallorca has awarded a 1.1-million-euro contract for the drafting of the construction project for Section I of Palma’s second ring road. The Gesix-Ayesa joint venture has been awarded the contract to draw up the definitive project for this work, which has a budget of 110 million euros, could begin at the end of 2026 or early 2027, and is an essential infrastructure for decongesting accesses to Palma.

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The Consell de Mallorca awards a 1.1 million euro contract for the drafting of the construction project for Section I of Palma’s second ring road

Major infrastructures require two types of projects to be executed. The layout project, which was presented in January by the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, and which only defines what the work will be like and where it will pass through; and now it is the turn of the construction project, which establishes the technical composition of how the work will be carried out, the provision of services, the load characteristics of the infrastructure and the elements and materials to be used depending on the characteristics of the terrain.

The drafting of the construction project will be carried out by an engineering firm specialising in this type of infrastructure, and for this reason the project has now been awarded by means of a public tender in which five engineering firms submitted bids.

This infrastructure, promoted by the insular institution after being paralysed for the last four years, has a budget of 110 million euros, will run partly underground to minimise the impact on the landscape, and will connect the airport motorway with the second ring road that begins at Son Ferriol. It also provides for a 450-space dissuasive car park near Coll d’en Rabassa, a network of civic roads connecting this nucleus, Son Ferriol and the Son Llàtzer Hospital with Palma. It also provides a solution to the problem of the Coll d’en Rabassa because it moves the current road away from the houses, which at the time ran flush with the roofs.


The future link between the Ma-19 motorway and the second ring road is of the “trumpet” type, in which the main trunk of the Ma-30 (second ring road) is developed through an 845 m long tunnel that starts next to the Coll d’en Rabassa and ends at the height of the Fondo road. The tunnel will have two lanes in each direction, with physically separated carriageways, and will be equipped with the required safety, drainage and installation elements. This is the main change in the design to previous projects, taking into account the search to minimise the visual impact generated by an infrastructure of these characteristics.  
The tunnel has a direct access branch to the industrial and commercial area, so that vehicles from Palma do not have to pass through the interior of the urban centre of Coll d’en Rabassa. It will eliminate the queues that are generated for this reason both at the roundabout on Calle del Cardenal Rossell and in the motorway exit lane itself.
A new design of the overpass at Coll d’en Rabassa will be made to move the current connection with the airport motorway away from the neighbourhood’s dwellings (which currently passes in the wake of the roofs).

In terms of the proposal to urbanise the surface area, the design highlights the arrangement of roundabouts to order the numerous movements that vehicles make. Both roundabouts are designed with a 48-metre radius. The first one substantially modifies the roundabout that already exists in the area in front of the Gran Mundo restaurant, while the second one is centred on the current intersection of the Ma-30 road with the Fondo road. The connection between the two is proposed through a wide urban boulevard, with pedestrian areas on either side.
The entire surface development project is completed with the layout of cycle lanes that connect the urban fabric of Coll d’en Rabassa with the industrial area (Mercapalma and the industrial estate) and commercial area (Fan Mallorca), and with the cycle lane in Son Ferriol. A new feature of the project is the extension and connection of the cycle lane to the lane in Son Sastre street in the Son Malferit industrial estate (IKEA). This will achieve the complete interconnection of this type of road between Coll d’en Rabassa, Son Ferriol, Marratxí and Palma.

It is also planned to set up a dissuasive car park near the new Camino Fondo roundabout, with a capacity of 450 spaces. The location of this car park means that, in a framework of collaboration with the Palma City Council, new shuttle lines to the centre of Palma can be provided, taking advantage of the capacity of the Camino Fondo.
With the renovation of the structure over the motorway on Carrer de Guasp, a complementary action is planned with the construction of a new half-link of the Ma-19 motorway at this point. The two new direct connection branches to the motorway will allow the residents of this neighbourhood to access the town centre more easily. It should be borne in mind that the municipal planning for the area envisages the construction of an outer urban ring road, to which the new half-link will provide a direct connection.
The estimated budget for the entire project, pending an exact adjustment to be made when the new construction project is drawn up, is 110 million euros.