The Consell de Mallorca approves the payment of the 39.943 euros of the invoices of the SMAP of the previous legislature

Jul 11, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The plenary of the institution has agreed to order the body promoting the file to initiate the procedure to request those responsible for the voluntary repayment of the corresponding amounts within five days, or to present allegations.
In case this amount is not reimbursed voluntarily, the Plenary has agreed that the appropriate procedures will be followed to recover the expenses assumed by the Consell de Mallorca.
The plenary of the Consell de Mallorca has approved three extrajudicial acknowledgements of credits of the invoices related to the expenses of the rental of parking spaces in the Via Roma car park corresponding to the previous legislature and from which an obligation in favour of the Sociedad Municipal de Aparcamientos y Proyectos for a total amount of 39,943.44 euros is derived.

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The Consell de Mallorca approves the payment of the 39.943 euros of the invoices of the SMAP of the previous legislature

This is a debt contracted during the last term of office by three departments of the island institution as a result of the formalisation of three contracts with the municipal company SMAP for the payment of nine parking spaces for personal vehicles. Specifically, the REC has approved the payment of an expense of 17,922.26 euros by the Department of Tourism; another for 11,711.76 euros by the Department of Economic Promotion and Local Development, and another for 10,309.42 euros by the Department of Culture and Heritage.

Likewise, the plenary of the institution has agreed to order the body promoting the case to initiate the procedure to request the persons responsible to voluntarily repay the corresponding amounts within five days, or to present allegations within the same period. In the event that this amount is not reimbursed voluntarily, the Plenary has agreed that the appropriate procedures will be followed to recover the expenses assumed by the Consell de Mallorca.

In this regard, the Councillor of the Presidency, Antoni Fuster, pointed out during his speech at the plenary session that the report of the General Intervention of the institution and the legal reports of the three departments conclude that “the expenses for which this REC file is being processed, that is, the invoices for the car parks for personal vehicles, do not correspond to expenses attributable to the Consell de Mallorca, as there is no regulation or legal provision that covers this type of expense, and therefore correspond to the person responsible for generating it”. Furthermore, the reports also determine that “the contracts with SMAP by three high-ranking officials of the last legislature were not made in accordance with the general regulations of administrative contracting”.

Councillor Fuster explained that “the institution is obliged to pay the invoices of the previous government in order to avoid a legal claim by SMAP, according to the legal reports”. However, the councillor for the Presidency reiterated that “as it is not a necessity of public interest, those responsible are asked to voluntarily repay the corresponding amounts”.