Water reserves in the Balearic Islands are at 50% in June

Jul 11, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

In terms of the percentage of reserves per island, Mallorca has fallen from 53% to 50%, Menorca from 51% to 50% and Eivissa from 36% to 35%.

Water reserves in the Balearic Islands fell to 50% in June, a drop of 2 percentage points compared to the previous month and 9 percentage points below the same period last year, when reserves stood at 59%. This situation calls for continued vigilance and rigorous management of water resources.

In terms of the evolution of the index, the ten Demand Units (DU) have registered a decrease in their reserves: Artà, Manacor-Felanitx, Migjorn, es Pla, Palma-Alcúdia, Tramuntana Norte, Tramuntana Sur, Menorca, Eivissa and Formentera. The entire territory remains in a state of pre-alert, although the evolution of the index indicates that, if the situation continues, Formentera is expected to enter alert in July. The overall situation of the demarcation is 0.400, a figure lower than last year (0.503) and two years ago (0.492).

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Water reserves in the Balearic Islands are at 50% in June

In terms of the percentage of reservations per island, Mallorca has dropped from 53% to 50%, Menorca from 51% to 50% and Ibiza from 36% to 35%.

AEMET data indicate that June has been normal in terms of rainfall in the Balearic Islands, with an average of 12.9 l/m² compared to the historical average of 14.9 l/m². By islands, Menorca had a dry month with 3.9 l/m² compared to its historical average of 12.9 l/m²; Mallorca was normal with 14.2 l/m² compared to its historical average of 16.3 l/m²; Formentera had a normal month with 5.2 l/m² compared to its historical average of 5.9 l/m²; and Eivissa had a wet month with 15.7 l/m² compared to its historical average of 9.1 l/m².

The inter-annual analysis of rainfall shows that the Balearic Islands have reached 78% of the expected average, with Mallorca at 79%, Menorca at 78% and the Pitiusas at 68%.

In terms of temperatures, the month of June was warm, with an average temperature of 22.5°C, which represents an anomaly of 0.5°C above normal.