Education earmarks more than 8.9 million euros for the creation of 365 digital training centres

Jul 13, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Portada, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sport is expanding the Network of Digital Training Centres to more than 1,550 units to benefit nearly 153,000 people.

The Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports has launched a new call for grants worth €8,942,500 to create 365 new digital training centres in local entities.

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Education earmarks more than 8.9 million euros for the creation of 365 digital training centres

With these funds, from component 19 of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, the State Network of Digital Training Centres will be expanded to 1,558 units. It is expected to benefit more than 153,000 people, preferably women, workers over 45, the unemployed and the low-skilled.

The initiative aims to train citizens in transversal digital skills to carry out secure online communications and transactions through their own electronic devices. The Ministry thus seeks to promote digital literacy as a tool for training and learning opportunities, regardless of the user’s place of residence.

These grants will go to local councils and regional bodies to provide students with a physical space in which to hold the sessions and guarantee the improvement of their permanent qualification and requalification, as well as mentors and trainers. The amount is 24,500 euros per beneficiary entity.

This line of aid aimed directly at local entities is in addition to the 3.5 million euros granted last year for the creation of 146 classrooms, also in municipal environments.

Both actions come to promote the Network of Digital Training Centres created by the Ministry in 2022, which had an initial funding of 58.7 million euros distributed to the autonomous communities for the implementation of 1,047 classrooms.