Inca presents the patron saint festivities of San Abdón and San Senén, which invite you to go out into the streets and make a village

Jul 13, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The programme, with sixty activities, includes proposals for all audiences and tastes from 18th to 30th July.
The street decoration competition will be brought back to promote the open-air dinner and the “Yeyé” street party.

Today, Wednesday, Inca City Council presented the programme of events for the patron saint festivities of San Abdón and Senén in Mossèn Bernat Salas street, with a large open-air “merienda” (snack). The event, led by the mayor, Virgilio Moreno, and the councillor for Fiestas, Toni Peña, was attended by members of the council and representatives of the town’s associations and organisations.

“This year, once again, we have made an effort to plan a festival for everyone, with activities for all tastes and ages. These dates represent a unique opportunity to reconnect with our roots and celebrate our traditions with joy. Therefore, we want people to go out into the streets, enjoy the activities and contribute to making the town”, explains Mayor Moreno.

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Inca presents the patron saint festivities of San Abdón and San Senén, which invite you to go out into the streets and make a village

For his part, the councillor for Participation and Festivities, Antoni Peña stresses that “we wanted to make this presentation with a large roof on the street to emphasise the outdoor dinner, as for these festivities we are bringing back the street decoration competition to promote it. We also want to promote the Yeyé verbena which returns to the Plaza España with Los Brindis”.

The San Abdón and San Senén festivities begin on 18 July with the traditional Senén Sierro of San Abdón and San Senén and the inauguration of an exhibition by Pasqual de Cabo. On Friday, 19th July, the “Cena a la Fresca” and the “Yeyé” night party with Los Brindis, Trío Cocktails and DJ Guateque will be held. This year, on the same day, the Pare Colom literary awards ceremony will be held in the Cloister of Sant Domingo.

As every year, these celebrations also include the Santa Magdalena Festival, the XXXVIII Encuentro de Bailes Regionales and the Memorial Pere Bestard. LXXXIV Jaume Mestre Trophy, among many other activities. The youngest inquers and inqueras will also be able to enjoy a wide variety of proposals with an aquatic party, toy library and, as a novelty, a children’s party with SiaMiss Dj.

Once again this year, music will play a leading role with performances by Suzanne Vega, Anegats, a tribute to Coldplay, a Los 40 party and many open-air dances and dance exhibitions. On the 30th of July, the day of San Abdón and San Senén, the traditional Eucharist will be held in honour of the patron saints. Tomeu Peña will be responsible for bringing the festivities to a close, before the correfoc (fire run). For the second consecutive year, the celebrations will close with a drone show.

The complete programme of the festivities in honour of the patron saints of San Abdón and San Senén can be consulted here: