The Government analyses the progress of the Strategic Plan for Trade with trade unions and employers’ associations in the sector

Jul 13, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The director general of Enterprise, the Self-Employed and Trade led the Inter-island Trade Commission of the Balearic Islands.

The document is structured into four areas: Promotion, Digitalisation and modernisation, Knowledge, and Data and information.

Projects such as Emblemàtics and aid for modernisation are maintained and strengthened, while others to promote digitalisation and knowledge are incorporated.

The Director General for Enterprise, the Self-Employed and Trade of the Regional Ministry of Enterprise, Employment and Energy, José Antonio Caldés, reported on and analysed the development of the Strategic Trade Plan 2024-2027 during the Inter-island Trade Advisory Commission, which was held with the attendance of trade unions and employers’ associations from the sector.

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The Government analyses the progress of the Strategic Plan for Trade with trade unions and employers’ associations in the sector

As the director general stated, “The document, structured in four areas (Promotion, Digitalisation and modernisation, Knowledge, and Data and information), aims to ensure the promotion and welfare of the commercial fabric of the Islands, one of the driving forces of the Balearic economy”.

In terms of promotion, Caldés explained that the Strategic Plan plans to maintain and strengthen the Emblemàtics Balears project, created to protect local commercial activity and, more specifically, that of the most traditional establishments in the municipalities. This initiative already involves 30 municipalities in the Balearic Islands and has 346 shops catalogued in the territory.

Another of the objectives included in this area is the development of a geolocation application for shops and restaurants, based on a study of the different models and systems of applications in commerce at a national level.

Likewise, the Bons Illes Balears campaign to promote small businesses, which is part of the Plan, has achieved a sales volume of 3,667,001.46 euros in this year’s call for proposals.

Digitalisation and modernisation

The strategic plan promotes aid for the modernisation of the commercial sector through a call for aid which this year has been extended to 3.7 million euros and which has made it possible to meet practically all the applications. Similarly, subsidies for municipal markets have been boosted in the second quarter of the year.

The Directorate General for Enterprise, the Self-Employed and Trade will continue to promote the observatory of key indicators and data linked to the Balearic Islands’ commercial sector, in conjunction with the Government’s Directorate General for Economics and Statistics. This data will be updated every quarter and published on the Government’s corporate websites and on the Balearic Islands Business Information Portal (PIEIB).

Finally, the development, by a supplier specialised in the sensorisation and collection of commercial data, of a tool that allows the collection of the traffic of people in the commercial streets in order to design more effective dynamisation actions completes this axis.