14 million authorised to finance the “SOIB Training in work-linked training in strategic sectors” call for proposals

Jul 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The approved appropriation will make it possible to finance the eligible actions planned for the period 2024-2026.

This initiative will enable mixed training and employment actions to be carried out in sectors that are difficult to cover.

The Consell de Govern has authorised, at the proposal of the Department of Enterprise, Employment and Energy, an investment of 14 million euros to finance the call for subsidies “SOIB Training in alternation in strategic sectors and difficult to cover for the period 2024-2026”.

This initiative will enable mixed training and employment actions to be carried out to provide professional qualifications to the people who participate, in a combined scheme with work activity through a training contract in those sectors where it is difficult to fill vacancies.

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14 million authorised to finance the “SOIB Training in work-linked training in strategic sectors” call for proposals

Likewise, the public investment foreseen in the framework of this call will meet the need for training positions with a differentiated or exceptional design due to the type of activities and tasks to be carried out, adapting to each productive sector or company to organise the stay in the company and to comply with the commitments of execution.

The total budget allocated will be distributed as follows: for the period 2024-2025, EUR 7 million will be allocated, of which EUR 5.25 million will be implemented in 2024 and EUR 1.75 million will cover the actions foreseen for 2025. The remaining 7 million will cover the actions foreseen for the period 2025-2026, with 5.25 million for 2025 and 1.75 million for 2026.