Social Rights and ONCE present a programme to assist migrants with severe visual impairment

Jul 15, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister for Social Rights, Consumer Affairs and Agenda 2030, Pablo Bustinduy, has closed an ONCE event at which the new benefits available to blind, severely visually impaired and deafblind migrants were presented.

The new programme agreed by the Ministry of Social Rights and ONCE includes that migrants with these characteristics can access the social services of the Spanish National Organisation of the Blind. This means that academic attention will be offered to children with educational difficulties, the promotion of personal autonomy and independent living skills, rehabilitation, employment support and psychosocial support, among others. “In our society, there are no isolated struggles, but rather collective conquests that bring justice and well-being for all”, said Bustinduy. The event, which was also attended by the President of the ONCE Social Group, Miguel Carballeda, and the Director General for the Rights of People with Disabilities, Jesús Martín, was held at the headquarters of the ONCE General Directorate in Madrid.

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Social Rights and ONCE present a programme to assist migrants with severe visual impairment

At the presentation ceremony, several blind and visually impaired people of different nationalities told their stories and explained the care they receive from ONCE. “Blind migrants, foreigners and asylum seekers arriving in our country will be welcomed with opportunities for inclusion”, said the Minister for Social Rights.

The new catalogue presented by ONCE is part of the General Agreement between the Spanish Government and ONCE and includes the social work that the Administration has entrusted to the institution, highlighting the commitment to create 25,000 new jobs and train 100,000 people with disabilities this decade.