Back to Black – Tribute to Amy Winehouse and Marga Pocoví, the two concerts of ‘Nits d’estiu de Raixa’ 2024

Jul 17, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The two musical events will take place on 18th and 25th July and are free of charge.

The Consell de Mallorca’s Department of the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports has scheduled two concerts this July at the Raixa public estate as part of a new edition of the ‘Nits d’estiu’ 2024 (Summer Nights 2024).

This year’s cultural programme includes musical events, environmental workshops and the Mallorca màgica recital.

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Back to Black – Tribute to Amy Winehouse and Marga Pocoví, the two concerts of ‘Nits d’estiu de Raixa’ 2024

The first musical event will take place on Thursday 18th July, with a performance by the group Back to Black – Tribute to Amy Winehouse, where its 10 members will review the soul diva’s hits.

The second musical event will be held on Thursday 25th July, with a concert by Marga Povocí, accompanied by the Calypso Orchestra, in which they will review the songs of the Mallorcan singer.

Both concerts will begin at 9:30 pm and tickets are free of charge. The performances are suitable for all audiences.

The second vice-president and councillor for the Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports, Pedro Bestard, said that ‘the aim is to open up Raixa and its historic gardens so that anyone who wishes to can discover the richness and diversity of this heritage that belongs to all Mallorcans’.

‘With this year’s cultural programme, we offer the opportunity to enjoy music and culture in a unique natural and scenic setting, such as the Raixa estate,’ added Pedro Bestard.

Recital Mallorca màgica

The ‘Nits d’estiu a Raixa’ (Summer Nights in Raixa) have been held since 2022 with different themes. This year the Department of the Environment has organised a programme of activities with concerts and workshops linked to the annual theme of the European Network of Historic Gardens: Aromas of gardens that endure over time.

On 22 August, at 7.30 p.m., there will be a workshop on distilling essences and making perfumes, in which each participant will be able to make their own perfume from natural essences.

Another of the most eagerly awaited events is the Mallorca màgica concert. This is a musical journey through the imaginary legends of Mallorca, with pieces from the Cançoner popular de Mallorca and readings from Carlos Garrido’s book, Mallorca Màgica. The concert is scheduled for the 8th of August at 8 pm.

All tickets can be booked on the Eventbrite platform.