Variety and quality will guide the Teatre Principal in the next season 2024/2025

Jul 17, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This Tuesday, the Board of Trustees of the Fundació Teatre Principal de Palma approved the main lines of the season under the artistic direction of Miquel Martorell.

This Tuesday, the Board of Trustees of the Fundació Teatre Principal de Palma approved a preview of the programme for the future 2025/2025 season, which includes a wide variety of genres and monthly shows for families, and highlights the high quality of the proposals and guest companies.

This marks the beginning of a new era for Palma’s Teatre Principal, according to the Vice President of the Consell de Mallorca and Councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, following the successful resolution of the public competition held by the island institution to appoint the new managing director. This Tuesday, the director of the Teatre Principal, Miquel Martorell, explained to the patrons all the new features of the upcoming season: ‘We are maintaining the season tickets and discounts already in force, and we are creating a new one, the “family/intergenerational”, which aims to encourage young and old to share family theatre days.

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Variety and quality will guide the Teatre Principal in the next season 2024/2025

Martorell gave a preview of the season and explained the main lines that will guide it, although he explained that next September more novelties will be unveiled, the co-productions selected by competition, the new sponsorship and patronage plan and also a remodelling of the Sala Petita, to turn it into a more multi-purpose space to host new activities.

A preview of the programme

The theatre season at the Teatre Principal will begin with the company La Calórica, which will bring its latest creation Le congrès ne marche to Mallorca (20th September). The season will continue with a classic by Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie (27th September) and will feature great actors during the first months of the season, such as the actress Llum Barrera, who will perform in La paella de los jueves (15th December) and José Sacristán and Ana Marzoa, who will be in La colección (23rd and 24th November). Also, two big names on the Catalan stage, Jordi Boixaderas and Rosa Renom will star in the great comedy Casa Calores (30th November) and the Mallorcan Victoria Luengo will star in the acclaimed monologue Prima facie (7th December).

As for the Teatre Principal’s Opera Season, this year sees the 39th edition with a new production of Giacomo Puccini’s Turandot (23, 25 and 27 October), with its complete finale and a new creative team. In addition, this title will have a version for the whole family with the proposal One, two, three… Turandot! (24 and 26 October). Henry Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, one of the major works of Baroque music, will arrive on February 12th, 14th and 16th; the Easter Concert (April 12th), within the framework of Holy Week, will offer the best of sacred music and the comic opera Don Pasquale (June 18th, 20th and 22nd), by Gaetano Donizetti, will close the season in June 2025.

In music, the season kicks off with the flamenco guitar of Antonio Sánchez (October 2nd), the nephew of the remembered Paco de Lucía. On the other hand, Chano Domínguez (3rd November), as part of the Jazz Voyeur festival, will celebrate 45 years on stage with a very special concert with Martirio and other guests, and the Porreres Philharmonic and the Blavets de Lluc will offer an extraordinary concert for Santa Cecília (22nd November). Finally, the Festival Alternatilla will bring to Mallorca the veterans of jazz made in Spain: Benavent, Di Geraldo, Pardo (3rd December).

Family shows

For the youngest members of the family, the new season also comes with many good theatre and dance proposals, such as La gata que quería cambiar la Historia (28 September), by Thomas NooneDance or Va de Bach (9 November), to Discover and feel Bach’s music differently.