Son Llàtzer University Hospital promotes a music therapy programme for patients at the Psychiatric Day Hospital

Jul 18, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The programme aims to promote social skills, foster group confidence, reduce anxiety and improve mood.

Son Llàtzer University Hospital has launched a music therapy programme for users of the Psychiatric Day Hospital. This project has counted on the collaboration of the Escola de Dansa Francisca Tomàs and the NGO Na Marga Somriu.

The programme aims to promote social skills, foster group confidence, encourage the recognition and expression of emotions, reduce anxiety and improve mood, using techniques such as percussion, therapeutic singing, listening to music in states of relaxation, body movement and musical creation.

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Son Llàtzer University Hospital promotes a music therapy programme for patients at the Psychiatric Day Hospital

Fifteen users and technicians from the Psychiatry unit took part in ten 90-minute sessions, facilitated by music therapists Arantxa Andreu and Pau Català, who specialise in mental health.

The programme has incorporated a wide variety of techniques, including instrumental and vocal clinical improvisation, song composition and creation, diverse vocal work, recreation through musical performance, guided visualisations, percussion circles, music and movement, as well as exploration of the participants’ sound history and artistic expression through music.

This project has been noted for its comprehensive and effective approach to the emotional and social support of patients and has demonstrated the significant therapeutic benefits of music therapy in the hospital setting.