The Energy Transition Office dealt with 348 queries in June, thus maintaining the rhythm of advice to individuals, companies and local administrations

Jul 19, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Most of the requests in June were related to advice and procedures for energy subsidies, followed by requests for information on calls for proposals.

Last month, the OTEIB held its first training workshops at the IES Maria Àngels Cardona secondary school in Ciutadella and accompanied users of shared self-consumption at Foners in Palma.

The Office for the Energy Transition of the Balearic Islands (OTEIB), an initiative promoted by the Balearic Energy Institute (IBE) through the Regional Ministry of Enterprise, Employment and Energy, attended to 348 people last June, according to the monitoring report for that month. In this way, the OTEIB maintains the rhythm of monthly consultations of the citizenship, between 300 and 400 since last January.

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The Energy Transition Office dealt with 348 queries in June, thus maintaining the rhythm of advice to individuals, companies and local administrations

Requests related to advice and subsidies from the Directorate General for Energy and Climate Change accumulated the highest interest from users in June, with 76 requests; followed by requests for information on energy subsidies (70) or on the regional network of electric vehicle charging points, MELIB (56).

The technical staff of the OTEIB has also registered 43 consultations on the status of energy subsidy files, and there has been an increase in advice on electricity and gas bills as a result of workshops.

The follow-up report indicates that, after an initial round of contact with municipal governments and entities, the Energy Transition Office has intensified the presence of its itinerant office, making up to 21 visits to various locations in Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza, and at the same time, the first workshops and training sessions have begun.

In this sense, it is worth highlighting the holding of a workshop in the IES Maria Àngels Cardona, in Ciutadella, the first training action of the OTEIB in an educational centre; and the first workshop to accompany users of shared self-consumption of the IBE, a pilot training in which users of the Foners installation in Palma took part. This activity was developed in response to the need detected to accompany the beneficiaries of IBE shared self-consumption installations during the registration process, as well as to attend to the operation of these installations and the electricity bills.

Also in June, the OTEIB took part in the Conference on energy poverty organised by the Calvià Town Council together with the Ecology and Development Foundation (ECODES), presenting the services of the office and carrying out work dynamics to identify the causes and possible solutions to energy precariousness. In the framework of this initiative, OTEIB established contact with the social services staff of the municipality in order to explore ways of collaboration.

The OTEIB provides advice to individuals, companies and local administrations on energy issues, accompanies projects and raises awareness in the fight against climate change and the commitment to an effective decarbonisation of all activities in our economy. The Office currently has offices in Palma, Manacor, Inca, Ciutadella, Eivissa and Formentera.