The Consell de Mallorca exhibits the works of the best pupils of the Nou Llevant painting workshop at the Krekovic Museum

Jul 20, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The exhibition gathers the best 30 paintings created by the participants and will be available until the 13th of September.

The Consell de Mallorca opens this Friday, 19th of July, at noon, the painting exhibition ‘Colofonia pictórica’, which will be available until the 13th of September at the Krekovic Museum in Palma.

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The Consell de Mallorca exhibits the works of the best pupils of the Nou Llevant painting workshop at the Krekovic Museum

The exhibition brings together the best works of the participants in the painting workshop organised by the Nou Llevant Neighbourhood Association. In this way, explains the first vice-president and councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, ‘the Consell de Mallorca wants to allow the students of the workshop to see their work exhibited in the museum in recognition of their efforts’. Roca explained that this initiative also aims to encourage citizens to visit museums.

The painting workshop organised by the Association has been the most successful in recent years. The exhibition will be inaugurated as part of the programme of events for the Nou Llevant neighbourhood festivities.