IBDONA condemns the aggression suffered by a woman and her son this Thursday in Palma

Jul 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The director of IBDONA, Cati Salom, has expressed her ‘most emphatic condemnation’ of the aggression this Thursday in Palma, when a man set fire to the home where the woman and her son were staying.

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IBDONA condemns the aggression suffered by a woman and her son this Thursday in Palma

Salom considers that ‘we cannot allow actions like this to happen’ ‘where there are two victims, a woman and a child’ and which make it clear that ‘we have a duty as a society, the fact that if we know of any case of male violence, we must go to the services that are available to us’.

IBDONA reminds women victims of male violence and their entourage that they can contact the 24-hour service by calling 971 17 89 89. There is also the victim helpline 016 and, in case of emergency, 112.