Expenditure authorised for the contract to lease 79 emergency medical transport vehicles

Jul 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The contract has a budget of 2,930,789.40€.

It is a lease without purchase option.

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Expenditure authorised for the contract to lease 79 emergency medical transport vehicles

The Consell de Govern has granted the public business entity Gestión Sanitaria y Asistencial de las Illes Balears (GSAIB) the prior authorisation to process the expenditure associated with the contract for the supply of 79 vehicles for emergency land medical transport.

This is a lease contract without the option to purchase with a budget of 2,930,789.40€, VAT included, and twelve months.

The Health Service must respond to the healthcare coverage of the population of the Balearic Islands and adapt healthcare resources to the current reality to guarantee adequate healthcare for users of the public health system.