The Regional Ministry of Health recommends extreme precautions in the face of the second heatwave

Jul 30, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The AEMET forecast points to maximum temperatures of between 36 and 39ºC (occasionally 40ºC in the southwest of Mallorca).

We are under an orange warning for high temperatures

The Conselleria de Salud (Regional Ministry of Health) is recommending extreme precautions in the face of the second heat wave of this summer 2024. Temperatures are expected to reach 39ºC (40ºC, occasionally). The recommendations of the General Directorate of Public Health are: avoid drinks with caffeine and alcohol; eat light meals; reserve the first or last hours of the day for physical activity; drink plenty of water and wear light, cool clothing made of natural fabrics; never leave people or animals inside a parked and closed vehicle, and pay special attention to babies, the elderly and workers who work outdoors.

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The Regional Ministry of Health recommends extreme precautions in the face of the second heatwave

How to recognise heat stress

The most common symptoms of such an episode are: fever above 40 degrees, nausea or vomiting, severe headache, warmth and redness of the skin, and a quickening of the pulse and respiration. The best way to deal with these symptoms is to quickly call the 112 emergency service, place the affected person in a cool, shady place, remove their clothes, cool them with water and fan them until the emergency services arrive.

Viu l’estiu amb SENY’ (Live the summer with SENY) campaign

The campaign ‘Viu l’estiu amb SENY. Protect yourself from the heat’ campaign to reinforce the prevention of heat stroke aims to advise the public about the high temperatures. The posters of this campaign can be found on public transport. The Directorate General of Public Health is reminding the public of the main advice to avoid episodes caused by intense exposure to the sun, which can sometimes be fatal.

Alert system

Since 17 June, the Epidemiology Service of the Directorate General for Public Health has had a system in place for issuing high temperature alerts that includes different values for the different areas of Mallorca and the archipelago.

The Balearic Islands have different zones: six in Mallorca, one in Ibiza and Formentera and another in Menorca. In the north and northeast of Mallorca the alert will be activated at 34.8 degrees Celsius; in Palma it will be activated at 33.3 degrees Celsius.

Since the beginning of the monitoring period, the Ministry of Health has provided maximum thresholds established for each region of the country. Thus, for the Balearic Islands it has set a maximum temperature of 33.3 degrees for the Palma-Airport Observatory; 33.9 degrees for the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range; 34.8 degrees for the north and northeast of Mallorca; 35.9 degrees for the interior of the island; 34.4 degrees for the south; and 34.3 degrees for the east of Mallorca. In Ibiza and Formentera, the maximum threshold has been set at 33.1 degrees, and in Menorca, at 32.2 degrees.