The Government launches a programme to encourage generational change in businesses

Jul 31, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The aim is to encourage the hiring of people in places that are difficult to reach and to enable generational replacement.

Face-to-face surveys will be carried out in businesses in municipalities with less than 20,000 inhabitants.

The Government launches a programme to encourage generational change in businesses

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The Regional Ministry of Enterprise, Employment and Energy, through the Directorate General for Enterprise, the Self-Employed and Trade, is launching a programme aimed at promoting the transfer, development and continuity of employment through planned, orderly and efficient business relief processes, thus contributing to the maintenance of businesses and the consolidation of the business fabric of the Balearic Islands.

Councillor Alejandro Sáenz de San Pedro stressed: ‘For this programme to be a success, we have to work with real data to develop actions that are effective and efficient. With this objective in mind, we have established two phases of work. The first is a process of face-to-face surveys of businesses located in municipalities with less than 20,000 inhabitants and through an online questionnaire, and the second phase involves the development of an action plan for the management of each business and its preventive plan’.

The objectives of the Relleu de Negocis Programme are to promote the business relay; to promote the successful transfer of companies in operation by facilitating the development of initiatives that increase the possibilities of continuity, as well as to stimulate entrepreneurship and contribute to the economic development of the Balearic Islands.

This programme is open to companies and businesses with fewer than 20 employees and located in municipalities with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants, regardless of their activity, which presents a lack of replacement in the activity or a possible closure due to retirement.

José Antonio Caldés, Director General for Enterprise, the Self-Employed and Trade, explained: ‘This programme has the novelty of first carrying out face-to-face surveys in the businesses, which allows us to have real information and plan actions in time to anticipate the replacements of each business and their prevention plan’.

Based on the information obtained, different lines of action can be developed to help reduce the impact of business closures, which is higher in municipalities with less than 20,000 inhabitants. The plans developed, coordinated by the Regional Ministry, the Regional Development Agency of the Balearic Islands and the SOIB, will be: participation in the REEMPRESA platform for business transfers, managed by ADR Baleares; vertical entrepreneurship of businesses with a lack of relief, and a family business continuity plan.