The State has mobilised almost 1 billion in the recovery of the island of La Palma

Jul 31, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister for Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, Ángel Víctor Torres, stressed that the investments ‘have benefited 33,000 families, businesses and farmers on the island’.

The Minister for Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, Ángel Víctor Torres, with the island’s authorities.The Minister for Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory,
The State has mobilised almost 1 billion euros for the reconstruction of the island of La Palma after the eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in 2021. Ángel Víctor Torres, who visited the island together with the government delegate in the Canary Islands, Anselmo Pestana, said: ‘That’s 985 million euros. Of that amount, 237 are from the Insurance Consortium and the rest from the different ministries, investments in roads, hydraulic works, employment, plans for SMEs, actions for the IRPF in La Palma. Contributions also from Territorial Policy for municipal infrastructures. Investments that will increase to reach 33,000 families, businesses and farmers in La Palma’.

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The State has mobilised almost 1 billion in the recovery of the island of La Palma

The 985 million investment has been reached after the last items mobilised, 100 million from the 2023 State Budget, to be renewed for three more years, 48 million for the study of geothermal energy and 30 million for new training and employment plans. The total investment figure is close to the initial assessment of the losses and damage caused by the eruption.

Torres wanted to return to Puerto de Naos, after his last visit a few months ago, to check on the development of the installation of sensors for the safety of the residents: ‘We have seen today, after some time, that the residents have been able to return to their homes safely. This is great news, after the work of several ministries, with an investment of 6 million euros, so that the majority of residents can live in safety and peace of mind, although this is still to be achieved for everyone. The hotels are also returning to economic activity.

Government investments
Most ministries have made investments. In Housing, for example, various actions for 53 million euros, the acquisition of 107 homes for those affected and 78.5 million to alleviate damage to damaged houses. Transport and Sustainable Mobility has implemented a CO2 monitoring network, which, as Minister Torres bought today, allows affected families to return safely to their homes. On the other hand, it undertook road works with an investment of 38 million euros.

In Culture, Equality and Social Rights there have been subsidies to the Canary Islands Institute for Cultural Development for activities aimed at victims; subsidies for prevention and care for victims of gender violence; information, training and psychological assistance campaigns; and, within the framework of the Mental Health Strategy, day and night centres for Psychosocial Rehabilitation. The Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030 finances, through the island’s local entities, information services, home help, housing management, educational and psychosocial support, social inclusion and family benefits.

In Employment and Training, 123 million in active employment and training policies are articulated between the SEPE and the Canary Islands Government. The unemployment rate in the area affected by the volcano has been reduced by 16%, from 3,535 unemployed before the eruption to 2,963 unemployed today.

In 2022, the tax authorities applied the 60% deduction in personal income tax, with a tax relief of 78 million. In 2023, the rebate was 82 million. The extensions/aid for the cessation of activity – extensions of ERTES – exemptions from social security contributions for companies and the self-employed and suspension of interest payments for loans and credits are renewed.

The affected municipalities receive €1 million with each extension as compensation for being exempted from IBI/IAE during the recovery. In addition, the EU Solidarity Fund invested 9.44 million and the Contingency Fund 2.5 million.

The primary sector (agriculture and fisheries) has received aid of almost 30 million and the Ecological Transition has subsidised the recovery of biodiversity with 40 million. A call for ideas on geothermal energy has been launched, with 48 million in investment, for sustainable and clean energy autonomy. Industry and Tourism earmarked 28 million and Economy, Trade and Enterprise complied with the exceptionality for 127 pension plans to be rescued. Science and Innovation funded research and a study on volcanic eruptions.